
Sitemap Analyzer/Parser/Iterator

pip install pametis==0.4


pametis - Sitemap Analyzer/Parser/Iterator/Spider

  1. Introduction

The pametis (reverse of sitemap) package provides a point-and-shoot function, sitemap, that iterates over all leaf urls in a sitemap in a simple manner:

for url in sitemap( '' ):
    print( url )

Behind the scene sitemap provides several facilities:

  • URLs can be filtered by regular expression.

  • The urls are cached, enabling various iteration scenarios including iteration only over new urls or over urls removed from the sitemap. It is possible to resume interrupted iterations, and to split iterations into several runs.

  • The cache can be stored in an Sqlite3 database (the default) or Postgres database (recommended for better performance, ability to run inside threads, and ability to decouple the cache storage from the package container). It is also possible to disable caching.

  • The cache driver interface is documented and it is possible to use custom cache drivers, e.g., for use with other data stores.

  • Ability to iterate also sitemaps pointed to by a robots.txt or over a list of urls stored in a file.

  • The spider interface is documented and it is possible to get the source urls from a custom spider (e.g., a search engine or a web crawler).

While this documentation attempts to cover all pametis interfaces, for most uses it is enough to read the reference of the sitemap function.

  1. Reference

pametis. sitemap( sitemap_url, *args )

An iterator over the sitemap pointed to by sitemap_url, which can be the address of a sitemap or the address of robots.txt that references one or more sitemaps. Iteration is performed over all urls (“locations”) in the sitemap, recursing into nested sitemaps, including gzipped sitemaps.

Each iteration yields a single string url, which has 3 additional attributes, lastmod, changefreq and priority, which correspond with their respective value in the sitemap, or None for any value not provided by the sitemap. For example:

from pametis import sitemap

sitemap_url = ''

for url in sitemap( sitemap_url ):
    print( url, url.lastmod, url.changefreq, url.priority )

It is possible to filter urls using a regular expression, which can be provided as either as a string or as a compiled re object, e.g.: sitemap( sitemap_url, "/posts/" ) or sitemap( sitemap_url, re.compile( "/posts/" )).

The sitemap function can accept several options that modify its behavior. The options all have the form OPT.option_name and are added as arguments to the call to sitemap. In the following example sitemap is called with the OPT.NOCACHE option, which means that the cache mechanism will be disabled:

from pametis import sitemap, OPT

sitemap_url = ''

for url in sitemap( sitemap_url, OPT.NOCACHE ):
    print( url, url.lastmod, url.changefreq, url.priority )

Following is a list of all sitemap options:

OPT.CACHED - Iterate over urls already stored in the cache, rather than have a spider fetch the urls.

OPT.REMOVE - Iterate over urls that were removed in the recent sitemap iteration. NOTE: In order to iterate removed urls the previous iteration must be complete; attempt to iterate removals after a partial iteration will raise a CantRemove exception.

OPT.NEWONLY - Iterate only over new urls found in the sitemap.

OPT.PARTIAL - The sitemap provided for the current iteration is partial, the current iteration will be later resumed with one or more sitemaps.

OPT.RESUME - The previous iteration was partial either because the sitemap is split over several sources or because it was interrupted prematurely, and it is now being resumed.

OPT.CACHEALL - Cache all urls in the sitemap, even those that don’t pass the filter.

OPT.NOCACHE - Don’t cache the sitemap.

All options except for OPT.REMOVE and OPT.NOCACHE can be combined. Attempting to combine OPT.REMOVE or OPT.NOCACHE with another option will raise an AmbiguousOptions exeption. The following example demonstrates iteration over only new urls, split between two sitemaps:

from pametis import sitemap, OPT

for url in sitemap( '', OPT.NEWONLY, OPT.PARTIAL ):
    print( url, url.lastmod, url.changefreq, url.priority )

for url in sitemap( '', OPT.NEWONLY, OPT.RESUME ):
    print( url, url.lastmod, url.changefreq, url.priority )

The default cache is an Sqlite3 cache stored in a file named pametis_cache.db in the current working directory. The default cache can be overridden by specifying an alternative cache driver. pametis has two native cache drivers, and can accept custom drivers (described further below). The native cache drivers are sqlite and postgres, both generated by calling their factories with the database connection parameters. In the following example sitemap will run with a memory-resident sqlite cache:

from pametis import sitemap, sqlite

sitemap_url = ''

for url in sitemap(sitemap_url, sqlite( ':memory:' )):
    print( url, url.lastmod, url.changefreq, url.priority )

Running sitemap with a postgres cache:

from pametis import sitemap, postgres

sitemap_url = ''

for url in sitemap( sitemap_url, postgres( 'postgres://postgres@localhost/pametis' )):
    print( url, url.lastmod, url.changefreq, url.priority )

NOTE: The pametis architecture assumes that only one spider per domain per cache runs at a time. This assumption should typically be valid, assuming one doesn’t wish to bomb the target site at a high rate.

The default spider will get urls from the url of a sitemap.xml or robots.txt. The default spider can be overridden by specifying an alternative spider. pametis has two native spiders, the other, non-default called file_spider. It is also possible to call sitemap with a custom spider (described further below). The file_spider accepts as input a text file in which each url is in a separate line. Blank lines and lines starting with a hash ("#") are ignored. Note that a sitemap_url is still required by the sitemap function as the sitemap_url tells it which domain is being cached. The sitemap function currently does not verify that the urls returned by file_spider are in the same domain as sitemap_url. If the domains are not the same, results may be unexpected. Here is an example of calling sitemap with file_spider, reading the urls from the text file links.txt:

from pametis import sitemap, file_spider

sitemap_url = ''

for url in sitemap( sitemap_url, file_spider( 'links.txt' )):
    print( url, url.lastmod, url.changefreq, url.priority )

file_spider is a simple and convenient way to use pametis with command line crawlers such as wget. An example of creating with wget a list of links to crawl can be found here.

NOTE: Options, a cache driver, filter, spider, these can all be specified to the sitemap function at any combination or order. The sitemap function requires only the sitemap_url to be in a specific (the first) position.

pametis.configure( *args )

At times specifying all sitemap configuration options in the function call may be redundant across multiple calls, as well as visually cluttered. The configure function addresses this by providing the ability to set the sitemap defaults (except sitemap_url) in a single call. In the following example the configure function is used to specify an alternative cache driver, a default filter, and to specify that all iterations will be only over new urls:

from pametis import configure, sitemap, postgres, OPT

configure( postgres( 'postgres://postgres@localhost/pametis' ), '/post/', OPT.NEWONLY )
sitemap_url = ''

for url in sitemap( sitemap_url ):
    print( url, url.lastmod, url.changefreq, url.priority )

Using configure does not prevent from specifying options, drivers, spiders and filters in the call to sitemap.


Pametis_cache is the base class of all pametis cache drivers. One can write a custom cache driver by inheriting the Pametis_cache class and implementing its methods. If the custom cache driver is planned to run atop an SQL database, it may be simpler to use the Sql_cache class described next, which already implements Pametis_cache in a generic SQL implementation. The Pametis_cache methods are as follows:

Pametis.Pametis_cache._init_( self, domain, new_version = True ) - Initalizes the cache

Pametis.Pametis_cache._del_( self ) - Recommended, handles winding up the connection

Pametis.Pametis_cache.is_current( self, url ) - Returns whether the url has been updated in the recent vaersion

Pametis.Pametis_cache.is_completed( self ) - Returns whether the recent iteration completed

Pametis.Pametis_cache.cache( self, url ) - Stores the url in the cache

Pametis.Pametis_cache.finish( self ) - Marks the current iteration as complete

Pametis.Pametis_cache.cached( self ) - Iterates over all urls in the cache

Pametis.Pametis_cache.remove( self ) - Iterates over all urls excluded in the recent iteration and removes them from the cache after yielding their values

Pametis.Pametis_cache.reset( self ) - Removes all urls from the cache and zeroes the current iteration id


A class implementing the Pametis_class interface for SQL databases in a generic way. It enables the implementation of a cache over an SQL database by inheriting the Sql_cache class in a new class, and setting the following class attributes with the implementation-specific parameters:

stub - '?' / '%s' / etc., the DB-API arguments placehoder

args, kwargs - arguments for DB-API connect

Module - 'sqlite3' / 'psycopg2' / etc., the module that implements the DB-API

The following examples illustrate the cache driver factory implementations for the Sqlite and Postgres databases:

# cache factory for sqlite
def sqlite( *args, **kwargs ):
    class _Cache( Sql_cache, Pametis_cache ): pass
    _Cache. stub = '?'
    _Cache. args = args
    _Cache. kwargs = kwargs
    _Cache. module = 'sqlite3'
    return _Cache

# cache factory for postgres
def postgres( *args, **kwargs ):
    class _Cache( Sql_cache, Pametis_cache ): pass
    _Cache. stub = '%s'
    _Cache. args = args
    _Cache. kwargs = kwargs
    _Cache. module = 'psycopg2'
   return _Cache


The Pametis_spider class is the base class for all pametis spiders. It is possible to write a custom spider by inheriting Pametis_spider and implementing its __call__ method with the following interface: __call__( self, url ) where url is the sitemap_url provided to the sitemap function.

  1. CLI Usage

pametis can be used also as a command line utility, and it will print to stdout all leaf urls:

$ pametis

Or, if installed on the module path:

$ python -m pametis

The command line utility can accept as a second argument a regular expression filter:

$ pametis /posts/

The command line utility accepts options that correspond to the various sitemap function arguments:

-h, --help          show a help message and exit
-a, --cacheall      cache also urls the don't pass the filter
-c, --cached        use cached urls
-n, --nocach        don't use a cache
-N, --newonly       show only new urls
-p, --partial       this sitemap has only part of the domain's urls
-r, --remove        remove non-current urls
-R, --resume        resume an incomplete iteration
--sqlite SQLITE     filename to hold sqlite cache
--postgres POSTGRES url of postgres database to hold cache
--file FILE         get urls from file rather than the web
  1. Installation

  • Install using pip install pametis. Or,

  • Clone the project from GitHub - git clone

Requires python3. No external dependencies for default settings. psycopg2 is needed to use postgres for caching.

  1. License

MIT License

  1. Revisions History:

Version 0.4, 2015-12-30

  • Add caching

  • Add file spider

  • Add robots.txt to sitemap spider

  • Add filters

Version 0.3, 2015-12-14:

  • Return per leaf the lastmod, changefreq and priority attributes

  • Change sitemap proccessing to ignore namespaces, thus increasing speed, reducing memory footprint, reducing code complexity