
A python package to hadd files in parallel

hadd, ROOT, histogram, Physics, CERN, Histograms, python, root-cern
pip install parallel-hadd==1.2


Parallel Hadd

This is a python package to allow usage of hadd (from ROOT CERN) in parallel. It allows adding histogram and .root files. The addition will occur in blocks instead of one at all. It was designed to work with limited memory (local development primilary). The addition will use multiprocessing if avilable in your python enviroment.


The minimum supported python version is 3.6 and 3.7 and 3.8 are tested. Not tested on python 3.9 yet.


  1. clone this repository
git clone
  1. build the package from source using pip
pip3 install ./hadd-parallel


The command to use the package is


you can use it as the following (with default arguments)

phadd out.root *.root

where out.root will be the output file the contains all the *.root files.

more information about how to customize the settings are available on program help page

phadd -h

Help page

usage: phadd [-h] [-t TMPDIR] [-j NUM_JOBS] [-n NUM_FILES] [-f] [-s] [-l {DEBUG,INFO,WARNING,ERROR,CRITICAL}] [-v]
             output_file input_files [input_files ...]

Hadd ROOT histograms in parallel

positional arguments:
  output_file           the output file
  input_files           one or more input files

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -t TMPDIR, --tmpdir TMPDIR
                        the temporary directory to store intermediate files
  -j NUM_JOBS, --jobs NUM_JOBS
                        the number of jobs to run in parallel , [default cpu_count * 2 = {N_JOBS}
  -n NUM_FILES, --num_files NUM_FILES
                        the number of files to hadd at once
  -f, --force_overwrite
                        force overwrite of output file
  -s, --save-tmp        save the intermediate files, otherwise they will be deleted (which is the default)
                        the log level, [default Warning]
  -v, --version         show program's version number and exit