
Patch os.environ with dynamic values when the interpreter starts

patch, environment, dynamic, hook, os, environ
pip install patch-env==1.0.0


patch_env - Patch os.environ with dynamic values when the interpreter starts

patch_env lets you update Python's os.environ (the system environment variables dictionary) early during the interpreter's lifecycle, using the output of a command you specify.

This means you can inject a dynamic set of environment variables into the Python interpreter without changing the environment of the process that starts the interpreter or the command line arguments used to start it. Integrated development environments (IDEs) often make it inconvenient or difficult to inject dynamic values in those configuration elements, so patch_env can help there.

How it Works

patch_env installs a Python site-specific configuration hook <> that causes it to run very early when the interpreter starts. When it runs, if the PATCH_ENV_COMMAND environment variable is set, its value is executed as a shell command and the output of that command is used to update os.environ.

So basically, set PATCH_ENV_COMMAND when you want patch_env to patch things up for you, and don't set it when you don't.

Your command's output should contain one environment variable per line, in the format KEY=value:

HINT=values can have spaces and "special chars", but not newlines

Example: PyCharm/IntelliJ IDEA debugging with aws-vault

You're developing a program that uses the boto3 <> library to access Amazon Web Services (AWS). Your organization prohibits storing unencrypted access keys on disk, so you use aws-vault <> to manage them securely. This works great when you're running your program from the command line, but there isn't an easy way to get your IDE to feed the output of aws-vault into the environment before it starts the Python interpreter.

Here's how you can use patch_env with an IDE like PyCharm to inject aws-vault's output into the Python interpreter you're debugging with:

  1. Install patch_env using pip.

  2. Edit your PyCharm debug configuration and set the PATCH_ENV_COMMAND environment variable:

    PATCH_ENV_COMMAND=aws-vault exec my-profile -- sh -c "env | grep ^AWS_"

    Adjust the aws-vault command line as needed for your profile, session duration, etc. The important part is that we make aws-vault execute a shell process that pipes all its environment variables through grep so we select only the AWS credential variables.

Now run the debugger. patch_env logs the variables it parses from your command at the DEBUG level, so you can configure Python logging at that level if you need to verify that they're being parsed correctly.


If aws-vault doesn't already have valid credentials when you start debugging, it may need to read things like your MFA token from standard input. This will fail since patch_env doesn't feed any input to its PATCH_ENV_COMMAND.

As a work-around, open a new terminal and run aws-vault exec for the profile you use for debugging, enter the credentials there, and then re-launch the debugger. aws-vault stores its session tokens in your system's keystore, so they'll be available to other instances of aws-vault until they expire.