
Algorithm for analyzing paths in directed graphs.

pip install paths-graph==0.0.4



A graph-based representation of path ensembles in directed graphs.

In many types of networks, edges indicate the direction of causal relationships. Causal flows are therefore captured by paths. entities, the flow of causal influences are captured by paths. Analysis of biological relationships in these networks therefore often amounts to studying collections of paths and their properties. A key challenge is analyzing these relationships is is that enumerating paths between nodes of interest can be computationally challenging due to the combinatorial explosion of paths as length increases. One common strategy for addressing this involves searching for shortest paths using breadth first search or Dijkstra’s algorithm. However, biological networks generally contain indirect edges bypassing key regulators. As a result the most meaningful paths may be considerably longer than the shortest path. In addition, the full set of paths may not be relevant: one may only want to explore paths that meet additional biological constraints (e.g., paths passing through a protein of interest).

Motivated by these considerations we have constructed a data structure called the Cycle Free Paths Graph (CFPG) which represents the set of paths of interest without explicitly enumerating them. Using the CFPG, queries concerning a set of paths can be answered by performing graphical operations on the CFPG rather than on the underlying biological network. Our construction of a CFPG takes as input, a biological network consisting of directed graph G, a source node S, a target node T and path lengths of interest ranging from Lmin to Lmax. We describe here the constuction for unsigned graphs; the procedure for signed graphs, in which both edges and paths have polarities, is similar.

For each path length l in [Lmin, Lmax] a CFPG for l (representing the cycle-free paths of length l from S to T in G) is constructed in two steps. First, a directed acyclic graph called a paths graph (PG) that represents all S-T paths (i.e. which may contain cycles) of length l is constructed. The key to this first step is the observation that the intersection of the set of nodes that can be reached forwards from S in exactly k steps with the set of nodes that can be reached backwards from T in exactly l − k steps will all lie in position k of l-length paths from S to T in G. A node v which lies in this intersection will appear as the node (k,v) in the paths graph. In addition, there will be an edge from (i,u) to (j,v) in the paths graph if j = i+1 and (u,v) is an edge in G. In Figure 4 we show a small random graph G and a paths graph PG representing all paths of length 5 in G from the source node B to the target node D. We note that (0, F) is the unique start node and (5, D) is the unique terminal node of PG.

In the second step we transform PG into a cycle-free paths graph CFPG by adding a suitable amount of ‘history’ information to the nodes in PG. Informally, (i,v,h) is a node in CFPG if (i,v) is a node in PG and h is the set of nodes in the past of (i, v) in PG through which one can reach (i, v) from (0, S) without encountering a cycle. We add an edge from (i, u, hu) to (i + 1, v, hv) provided there is an edge from (i, u) to (i+1, v) in PG and the history hu is included in hv. This construction guarantees there is a one-to-one correspondence between the set of cycle-free paths of length l between S and T in G and the set of paths from the unique start node to the unique terminal node of CFPG (Figure 4).

A variety of analysis tasks can be performed by exploiting the graphical structure of CFPGs. In particular, quantitative properties of the distribution of cycle-free paths between S and T can be efficiently obtained by sampling from the CFPG under different assumptions regarding edge weights. CFPGs computed over different lengths can be merged and then sampled to yield the distribution of paths of different lengths. Boolean operations on CFPGs can be performed to represent sets of paths under a variety of constraints: for example, given a CFPG representing paths passing through a node u, and another representing paths avoiding a different node v, a CFPG can be easily computed to represent the cycle-free paths from S to T that pass through u but avoid v.

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