Tools for plotting Oxford Nanopore and other long-read data.

pip install pauvre==0.2.3


travis-ci DOI

pauvre: a plotting package designed for nanopore and PacBio long reads

This package currently hosts four scripts for plotting and/or printing stats.

  • pauvre marginplot
    • takes a fastq file as input and outputs a marginal histogram with a heatmap.
  • pauvre stats
    • Takes a fastq file as input and prints out a table of stats, including how many basepairs/reads there are for a length/mean quality cutoff.
    • This is also automagically called when using pauvre marginplot
  • pauvre redwood
    • I am happy to introduce the redwood plot to the world as a method of representing circular genomes. A redwood plot contains long reads as "rings" on the inside, a gene annotation "cambrium/phloem", and a RNAseq "bark". The input is .bam files for the long reads and RNAseq data, and a .gff file for the annotation. More details to follow as we document this program better...
  • pauvre synteny
    • Makes a synteny plot of circular genomes. Finds the most parsimonius rotation to display the synteny of all the input genomes with the fewest crossings-over. Input is one .gff file per circular genome and one directory of gene alignments.


  • 20200215 - v0.1.924 - Made some minor updates to work with python 3.7 and the latest version of pandas,
  • 20171130 - v0.1.86 - some changes by @wdecoster to integrate pauvre into nanoplot, as well as some formatting changes that may make pauvre work better with python2.7. Adding Travis-CI functionality.
  • 20171025 - v0.1.83 - added some changes to make marginplot interface with @wdecoster's nanoPlot package, and made pauvre stats only output data tables for filtered reads. pauvre stats also now has the --filt_maxlen, --filt_maxqual, --filt_minlen, and --filt_minqual options.
  • 20171018 - v0.1.8 - you can now filter reads and adjust the plotting viewing window. See below for a demonstration. I added the following options:
  --filt_maxlen FILT_MAXLEN
                        This sets the max read length filter reads.
  --filt_maxqual FILT_MAXQUAL
                        This sets the max mean read quality to filter reads.
  --filt_minlen FILT_MINLEN
                        This sets the min read length to filter reads.
  --filt_minqual FILT_MINQUAL
                        This sets the min mean read quality to filter reads.
  --plot_maxlen PLOT_MAXLEN
                        Sets the maximum viewing area in the length dimension.
  --plot_maxqual PLOT_MAXQUAL
                        Sets the maximum viewing area in the quality
  --plot_minlen PLOT_MINLEN
                        Sets the minimum viewing area in the length dimension.
  --plot_minqual PLOT_MINQUAL
                        Sets the minimum viewing area in the quality
  • 20171014 - uploading information on pauvre redwood and pauvre synteny usage.
  • 20171012 - made pauvre stats more consistently produce useful histograms. pauvre stats now also calculates some statistics for different size ranges.
  • 20170529 - added automatic scaling to the input fastq file. It scales to show the highest read quality and the top 99th percentile of reads by length.


  • You must have the following installed on your system to install this software:
    • python 3.x
    • matplotlib
    • biopython
    • pandas
    • pillow


  • Instructions to install on your mac or linux system. Not sure on Windows! Make sure python 3 is the active environment before installing.
    • git clone
    • cd ./pauvre
    • pip3 install .
  • Or, install with pip
    • pip3 install pauvre



  • generate basic statistics about the fastq file. For example, if I want to know the number of bases and reads with AT LEAST a PHRED score of 5 and AT LEAST a read length of 500, run the program as below and look at the cells highlighted with <braces>.
    • pauvre stats --fastq miniDSMN15.fastq
numReads: 1000
numBasepairs: 1029114
meanLen: 1029.114
medianLen: 875.5
minLen: 11
maxLen: 5337
N50: 1278
L50: 296

                      Basepairs >= bin by mean PHRED and length
minLen       Q0       Q5     Q10     Q15   Q17.5    Q20  Q21.5   Q25  Q25.5  Q30
     0  1029114  1010681  935366  429279  143948  25139   3668  2938   2000    0
   500   984212  <968653> 904787  421307  142003  24417   3668  2938   2000    0
  1000   659842   649319  616788  300948  103122  17251   2000  2000   2000    0
 et cetera...
              Number of reads >= bin by mean Phred+Len
minLen    Q0   Q5  Q10  Q15  Q17.5  Q20  Q21.5  Q25  Q25.5  Q30
     0  1000  969  865  366    118   22      3    2      1    0
   500   873 <859> 789  347    113   20      3    2      1    0
  1000   424  418  396  187     62   11      1    1      1    0
 et cetera...


Basic usage

  • automatically calls pauvre stats for each fastq file
  • Make the default plot showing the 99th percentile of longest reads
    • pauvre marginplot --fastq miniDSMN15.fastq
    • default
  • Make a marginal histogram for ONT 2D or 1D^2 cDNA data with a lower maxlen and higher maxqual.
    • pauvre marginplot --maxlen 4000 --maxqual 25 --lengthbin 50 --fileform pdf png --qualbin 0.5 --fastq miniDSMN15.fastq
    • example1

Filter reads and adjust viewing window

  • Filter out reads with a mean quality less than 5, and a length less than 800. Zoom in to plot only mean quality of at least 4 and read length at least 500bp.
    • pauvre marginplot -f miniDSMN15.fastq --filt_minqual 5 --filt_minlen 800 -y --plot_minlen 500 --plot_minqual 4
    • test4

Specialized Options

  • Plot ONT 1D data with a large tail
    • pauvre marginplot --maxlen 100000 --maxqual 15 --lengthbin 500 <myfile>.fastq
  • Get more resolution on lengths
    • pauvre marginplot --maxlen 100000 --lengthbin 5 <myfile>.fastq


  • Turn off transparency if you just want a white background
    • pauvre marginplot --transparent False <myfile>.fastq
    • Note: transparency is the default behavior
      • transparency


@conchoecia (Darrin Schultz) @mebbert (Mark Ebbert) @wdecoster (Wouter De Coster)