
Implements sub-minute time trigger support to trigger AWS Lambda functions

pip install paws.lambda-time-trigger==1.0.0


PAWS - Patterns for AWS

The PAWS library contains a set of reusable level 3 constructs implemented in TypeScript using the AWS CDK, and published for all JSII-supported ecosystems.


  • VS Code with devcontainer extension
  • Docker
  • WSL / Linux

How to create a new package

  • Copy the packages/template folder and override all usages of the word template with the desired name of the package.
  • Add dependendies to devDependencies and peerDependencies as done in package.json
  • Implement the package like done in index.ts

How to build a package

  • Open the packages template folder inside a devcontainer-VS Code instance
  • Run npm i, npm run build and npm run package
  • TODO: find out if its supposed to publish the generated JSII package for JS, or better directiony publish the source package

How to test package creation

  • TODO: explain creation of sample project e.g. in .NET

How to publish a package

  • TODO instructions for publishing manually and / or reference GH actions script