A PDM plugin to resolve/install/uninstall project dependencies with Conda

pdm, plugin, conda
pip install pdm-conda==0.18.0.dev3



A PDM plugin to resolve/install/uninstall project dependencies with Conda.


Config item Description Default value Possible values Environment variable
conda.runner Conda runner executable conda conda, mamba, micromamba PDM_CONDA_RUNNER
conda.solver Solver to use for Conda resolution conda conda, libmamba PDM_CONDA_SOLVER
conda.channels Conda channels to use, order will be enforced []
conda.as-default-manager Use Conda to install all possible requirements False PDM_CONDA_AS_DEFAULT_MANAGER
conda.batched-commands Execute batched install and remove Conda commands, when True the command is executed only at the end False PDM_CONDA_BATCHED_COMMANDS
conda.excludes Array of dependencies to exclude from Conda resolution []
conda.auto-excludes If cannot find package with Conda, add it to excludes list False PDM_CONDA_AUTO_EXCLUDES
conda.installation-method Installation method to use when installing dependencies with Conda hard-link hard-link, copy PDM_CONDA_INSTALLATION_METHOD
conda.dependencies Array of dependencies to install with Conda, analogue to project.dependencies []
conda.optional-dependencies Groups of optional dependencies to install with Conda, analogue to project.optional-dependencies {}
conda.dev-dependencies Groups of development dependencies to install with Conda, analogue to tool.pdm.dev-dependencies {}
conda.pypi-mapping.download-dir PyPI-Conda mapping download directory $HOME/.pdm-conda/ PDM_CONDA_PYPI_MAPPING_DIR
conda.pypi-mapping.url PyPI-Conda mapping url https://github.com/regro/cf-graph-countyfair/raw/master/mappings/pypi/grayskull_pypi_mapping.yaml PDM_CONDA_PYPI_MAPPING_URL

All configuration items use prefix pdm.tool, this is a viable configuration:

runner = "micromamba"
channels = ["conda-forge/noarch", "conda-forge", "anaconda"]
dependencies = ["pdm"]
as-default-manager = true
auto-excludes = true
solver = "libmamba"
excludes = ["pytest-cov"] # don't install with conda even if it's a dependency from other packages
installation-method = "copy"
batched-commands = true

download-dir = "/tmp"
url = "https://url/to/mapping.yaml"

extra = ["anaconda:ffmpeg"] # non python dependency, obtained from anaconda channel

dev = ["pytest"]


This plugin adds capabilities to the default PDM commands.

Working commands

The following commands were tested and work:

  • pdm init:
    • To list/use Conda managed python you must specify the Conda runner with -cr or --runner.
    • You also can specify a default Conda channel with -c or --channel.
  • pdm lock
  • pdm install
  • pdm add:
    • To add a Conda managed package --conda flag can be used multiple times followed a package (analogue to --editable).
    • You can specify per package Conda channel using conda notation channel::package.
    • You also can specify a default Conda channel with -c or --channel.
    • With flag -r or --runner you can specify the Conda runner to use.
    • With flag -ce or --conda-excludes you can add PyPi packages to the excluded from Conda resolution.
    • With flag --conda-as-default-manager you can set conda.as-default-manager to True.
  • pdm remove
  • pdm update
  • pdm list
  • pdm info
  • pdm use
  • pdm venv:
    • create:
      • To list/use Conda managed python you must specify the Conda runner with -w or --with.
      • You can completely override the Conda environment name with -cn or --conda-name, the resulting environment won't follow PDM environment naming conventions.
    • list
    • remove

How it works

Using conda/libmamba solver

PDM invokes Conda solver to resolve conda packages each time a PDM candidate makes a change in the last Conda resolution.

If only Conda packages are used (i.e. setting conda.as-default-manager to true and no conda.excludes) then Conda solver is invoked only once.

Settings overridden

In order to use Conda to install packages some settings were overriden:

  • python.use_venv if conda settings detected in pyproject.toml this setting is set to True.
  • python.in_project if conda settings detected in pyproject.toml and this setting was not previously set then is set to False.
  • python.use_pyenv if conda settings detected in pyproject.toml this setting is set to False.
  • venv.backend if conda settings detected in pyproject.toml this setting is set to conda.runner.
  • venv.location if conda settings detected in pyproject.toml, VIRTUAL_ENV or CONDA_PREFIX environment variables are set and this setting was not previously set then is set to the value of the environment variable.
  • install.parallel if some Conda managed packages are to be uninstalled or updated this option is disabled momentarily.

Some environment variables were overridden too:

  • PDM_IGNORE_ACTIVE_VENV if conda settings detected in pyproject.toml and VIRTUAL_ENV or CONDA_PREFIX environment variables are set then this variable is set to False.

Lock strategy

  • Lock strategy no_cross_platform for pdm lock is always forced as Conda doesn't produce cross-platform locks.
  • Lock strategy static_urls for Conda managed packages is always forced, independently of the lock strategy used for PyPi packages.
  • Lock strategy direct_minimal_versions for Conda managed packages will partially work as Conda doesn't have an option to force this mode on a resolution.


For development docker-compose files exist in deploy directory, helper script deploy/docker-compose.sh can be used for executing docker.

For running dev environment:

bash deploy/docker-compose.sh -d up

And for productive environment:

bash deploy/docker-compose.sh up