
Local encrypted p2p communication

p2p, peer, socket, encryption
pip install peernet==0.1.1



Continuation of previous p2p network projects

Packet Format

{network id}|{packet type (any of [adv, msg, rsp, err])}|{message content}|{public key}|END

Node Types

Basic Node

    :name Unique name within network - Should not use | or @
    :network_id ID of network to listen to - Should not use |
    :onmessage Callback to run when a message is recieved. Takes one argument
    :crypt Crypt object or None. If None, auto-generates object.
    :network_key Fernet encryption key of network. Leaving as None will disable network-level encryption
    :server_port Port to listen on
    :advertise_port Port to advertise on. Should be shared across a network
    :broadcast_interval Time between UDP advertisements
    :bind_ip IP to bind to


  • .serve() - Starts server in another thread
  • .shutdown() - Stops server
  • .send(target: name of target peer, data: arbitrary data) - Send data to node


  • Probably don't use this, it's extremely raw
  • Make sure you use encryption
  • onmessage should be a function that takes 1 argument

Advanced Node

    :name Unique name within network - Should not use | or @
    :network_id ID of network to listen to - Should not use |
    :crypt Crypt object or None. If None, auto-generates object.
    :network_key Fernet encryption key of network. Leaving as None will disable network-level encryption
    :server_port Port to listen on
    :advertise_port Port to advertise on. Should be shared across a network
    :broadcast_interval Time between UDP advertisements
    :bind_ip IP to bind to
    :chunk_size Size of chunks in transmissions. Default 16KB should be fine
    :functions Dictionary of function name: function


  • @.register(function_name: name of function) - Decorate functions with this to register them in the node. They should take 3 arguments:
    • Node instance
    • Originator node name
    • A readable stream

The function should then return a readable stream.

  • .send() - Replaces Node.send
    target: either a target peer name, "*" for all known peers, or a list of peer names)
    command: command name
    data: An open file object, readable stream, or bytes
  • All other Node methods


    :name Unique name within network - Should not use | or @
    :network_id ID of network to listen to - Should not use |
    :crypt Crypt object or None. If None, auto-generates object.
    :network_key Fernet encryption key of network. Leaving as None will disable network-level encryption
    :server_port Port to listen on
    :advertise_port Port to advertise on. Should be shared across a network
    :broadcast_interval Time between UDP advertisements
    :bind_ip IP to bind to
    :chunk_size Size of chunks in transmissions. Default 16KB should be fine
    :functions Dictionary of function name: function


  • @.register(function_name: name of function) - Decorate functions with this to register them in the node. They should be of the following form: function(node: CommandNode, originator: str, *args, **kwargs) -> Any JSON Encodable

  • Sending commands:"target or * or [targets]").<function name>(*args, **kwargs)


  • Nodes implement get_funcs and get_peers calls automatically. Good for determining network topology.