Basic migrations support for peewee ORM

peewee, migrations, orm, python, python3
pip install peewee-migrator==1.0.0



Base migrations support for peewee ORM


pip install peewee-migrator

Create config file

Run migrator create_config, follow instructions.

An example of the your_app.cfg:

db_url = postgres://peewee:123@
migrations_dir = /path/to/your/project/migrations
sys_path = /path/to/your/project:/path/to/external/library
models_path = app.models
excluded_models =

Migration management

Interactive migrator config creation
migrator -c your_app.cfg create_config
List your migrations
migrator -c your_app.cfg list
Make auto migration from current DB state
migrator -c your_app.cfg make --from db
Make auto migration from another migration
migrator -c your_app.cfg make --from rev --rev migration_hash
Make auto migration from latest migration
migrator -c your_app.cfg make --from last
Make empty migration (Based on current MODELS_PATH state)
migrator -c you_app.cfg make --from empty
Apply migration
migrator -c your_app.cfg apply migration_hash

Required migrations

Mark migration as required
migrator -c your_app.cfg require migration_hash
Mark migration as required after another migration
migrator -c your_app.cfg require migration_hash --after another_hash
Apply all required migrations at once
migrator -c your_app.cfg up_required