
Packaged efselab

pip install pefselab==0.0.2



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P[yPi]ackaged Efficient Sequence Labeling

A packaged version of efselab, intentionally scaled down in terms of available options in order to be more easily downloaded and accessed without manual intervention and compilation.


A C-compiler:

  • Windows: Install WSL1 (instructions here)
  • Mac: Install XCode (instructions here)
  • Linux: gcc is already installed. You're good.


pip3 install pefselab


Running python3 -m pefselab prints information relevant to pefselab, including the data directory where models are stored as well as the available models for use. This can also be accessed programmatically (along with the variables used to print it; for example if one is writing code to test all the models currently trained) using the following code:

from pefselab.wrappers import Info

pefselab_info: Info = Info()

If more customized models are required than the ways detailed below then I refer to the original efselab to create them. If those models are then copied to the model directory (see python3 -m pefselab for where it's located) then they should become available in pefselab as well.

Universal Dependency (UD) Part-of-Speech (POS) Tagger

To create a UD POS tagger the following code deals with both downloading UD Treebanks, preprocessing, building and training. Let's pick UD_French-GSD.

from pefselab.train_udt import udt_pipeline


This trains the model and puts it in the model directory. Then we can access it through the Model wrapper. We can access available models by running python3 -m pefselab where available models will be printed last.

from pefselab.wrappers import Model

french_pos_tagger: Model = Model("udfr_gsd")
Au milieu de la rue Saint-Denis, presque au coin de la
rue du Petit-Lion, existait naguère une de ces maisons précieuses qui donnent
aux historiens la facilité de reconstruire par analogie l'ancien Paris.

Which produces the following output:

('_', 'NOUN|Gender=Masc|Number=Sing', 'ADP',
'NOUN|Gender=Fem|Number=Sing', 'PROPN', 'ADV', '_',
'NOUN|Gender=Masc|Number=Sing', 'ADP',
'VERB|Mood=Ind|Number=Sing|Person=3|Tense=Imp|VerbForm=Fin', 'ADV',
'PRON|Gender=Fem|Number=Sing|Person=3|PronType=Ind', 'ADP',
'DET|Number=Plur|PronType=Dem', 'NOUN|Gender=Fem|Number=Plur',
'ADJ|Gender=Fem|Number=Plur', 'PRON|PronType=Rel',
'VERB|Mood=Ind|Number=Plur|Person=3|Tense=Pres|VerbForm=Fin', '_',
'NOUN|Gender=Fem|Number=Sing', 'ADP', 'VERB|VerbForm=Inf', 'ADP',
'NOUN|Gender=Fem|Number=Sing', 'ADJ|Gender=Fem|Number=Sing', 'PROPN')

I hope this output looks good since I don't speak French.

Swedish Pipeline

To run the Swedish pipeline on two text-files, file1.txt and file2.txt, one can use the following code:

from pefselab.train_swe_pipeline import create_pipeline
from pefselab.swe_pipeline import SwedishPipeline, pipeline_available

if not pipeline_available():

nlp: SwedishPipeline = SwedishPipeline(
    ["file1.txt", "file2.txt"]

This automatically downloads the Swedish pipeline to the datadirectory, builds it and trains it. The tagged data is then available in the SwedishPipeline object in the documents class variable, which is a dataclass with the following variables:

path:       path to file
tokens:     list of tokens
ud_tags:    list of universal dependency tags (index matches with tokens above)
suc_tags:   list of SUC tags (index matches with tokens above)
ner_tags:   list of NER tags (index matches with tokens above)

The different components of the pipeline can be switched on and off depending on ones needs. By default it uses the following flags. Disable/enable at your own whim.

nlp: SwedishPipeline = SwedishPipeline(
    ["file1.txt", "file2.txt"],

One can also save all document results to json files using with an optional parameter for where to save them. For the example above we could write the following code to save it to a folder called "results":"results")

This would create two files inside ./results: file1.json and file2.json.


Adding parsing would require some hefty dependencies (most notably pytorch) so I opted to remove the parsing capability in efselab; however, if it is needed one can easily convert the handled documents in SwedishPipeline objects through the as_stanza_parse_struct method. For example, if I wanted to parse file1.txt above, then I would use this code (after installing stanza using pip3 install stanza):

import stanza
from stanza.models.common.doc import Document
from pefselab.swe_pipeline import SwedishPipeline

nlp: SwedishPipeline = SwedishPipeline(
    ["file1.txt", "file2.txt"]

stanza_pipeline: stanza.Pipeline = stanza.Pipeline(

pretagged_doc: Document = Document([nlp.as_stanza_parse_struct("file1.txt")])
parsed_doc: Document = nlp(pretagged_doc)

Future work

The code for the Swedish pipeline could easily be rewritten in a way so that it's universally applicable rather than specific to Swedish, but I didn't have the time.

Pull requests are welcome!


  1. This is seriously the most widely recommended way from what I could gather. Kind of ironic if you ask me. ↩