
A personal assistant.

pip install personal-assistant-py-br==0.0.1


CLI Personal Assistant

Typing SVG


A CLI organizer that can help store contacts' phone numbers and birthday dates.

Get Started


pip install py_brigade_personal_assistant

to install the package and then


to get started.

Main menu

Command Values Description
hi / hello / greeting - to say hi to your favorite PA!
contacts - to enter the address book interface;
notes - to enter the notes interface;
close / exit - to exit the personal assistant;

Contacts Interface

Command Values Description
🤙 Contact
add name, phone to add a contact and its phone number;
find text to search a contact from your list by name, phone, email, or address;
delete / remove name to delete the contact;
num-contacts text to show the number of contacts;
all - to list all the contacts and their phone numbers;
help - to show the list of available commands for the address book;
back / return / - - to exit the address book;
📞 Phone
show-phone name to list all the phone numbers associated with the contact;
change-phone name, old phone, new phone to change the phone number;
delete-phone / remove-phone name, phone to remove the phone number;
🎂 Birthday
add-birthday name, DD.MM.YYYY to add birthday;
show-birthday name to show birthday associate with the contact;
birthdays number to show a list of contacts with birthdays for the next n days, if specified;
📩 Email
add-email name, email to add email;
show-email name to show email associate with the contact;
change-email name, old email, new email to change the email;
delete-email name to remove the email;
📪 Address
add-address name, address to add address;
show-address name to show address associate with the contact;
change-address name, new address to change the address;
delete-address name to remove the address;

Notes Interface

Command Values Description
📝 Notes
add additional inputs to create a note;
search / seek / find / filter / grep name= / tag= / text= to search a contact from your list by name, phone, email, or address;
edit / upd / update / change / ch additional inputs to change one note;
remove / delete / del / rm additional inputs to remove one note by ordinal number;
find name= / tag= / text= to show all notes that contain the keyword;
show / all / list / ls - to list all notes with a ordinal number and note text;
help - to show the list of available commands for notes;
back / return / - to exit notes;

Additional Notes

  1. Currently, it is not possible to add a contact with a name only. Both name and a phone number must be provided;
  2. Calling the command again with the same name will add another phone number to the same contact;
  3. name - a string with a minimum of 1 character and a maximum of 30 characters;
  4. phone number - only numbers, 10 characters;
  5. birthday - the format is DD.MM.YYYY;
  6. email - a string, the format is;
  7. address - a string that may contain spaces, commas, periods, etc.; the address contains from 10 to 100 characters;
  8. text - a string that can contain spaces, commas, periods, etc.; during note creation, it is assigned a ordinal number for management;
  9. The PA saves the progress upon exiting; this does not apply to the cases when it is forcefully shut down (e.g. keyboard interrupt);
  10. The PA supports machine-learning enabled intent recognition for all the intents except for:
  • show-phone
  • num-contacts
  • add-address
  • change-address
  • show-address
  • delete-address
  • these commands must be entered the way they are written above.