
A simple program for displaying cat or dog facts.

pip install petfacts==1.1.1


About the petfacts CLI application

Pet facts is a simple but fun application that retrieves either dog or cat facts from two different resources.

Click here to see the cat facts api.

Click here to see the dog facts api.

Why did I write it?

I wrote this application to learn a python module called argparse, and this seemed like the perfect fun project to do this with.

How can I get it?

You can clone the repository on GitHub or install via pip by running pip install petfacts

How to use

This is a very simple and light program, to see a random pet fact of a dog or cat variety simply run petfacts with not arguments.

If you want to specify a whether you want a dog or car fact pass in the arguments like so:

  • petfacts --cat will return a cat fact.
  • petfacts --dog will return a dog fact.
  • petfacts --help or petfacts -h of course returns a help menu and exits.

Whats next?

  • TODO: I want to get this up on PyPi so you just have to use pip to install.
  • TODO: Give it the ability to store facts, why? Just because I'm learning.