A python package for performing geochemical redox calculations and buffer conversions.
The current implementation has been developed in Python 3 and tested on Windows.
PetroBuffer currently only supports a small number of functions. The aim is to expand this package over time.
PetroBuffer's documentation is hosted on Read the Docs.
pip install petrobuffer
Alternatively, to access the most up-to-date development
version, you can clone this repository into the same root directory as your project files where you wish to use PetroBuffer
The package can then be pip installed by running
pip install PetroBuffer/
from your project root, and imported in your files in the same way as other packages, using
import petrobuffer
Check out the documentation for usage examples.
The testing of this package made heavy use of the excellent Excel tools from Kayla Iacovino: an fO2 buffer calculator and a Ferric/Ferrous converter.