
pgeon (or pgeon-xai) is a Python package that produces explanations for opaque agents using Policy Graphs (PGs)

agents, artificial, intelligence, explainability, policy, graphs, reinforcement, learning
pip install pgeon-xai==1.0.1


pgeon / pgeon-xai

Tormos, A., Abalos, V., Gnatyshak, D., & Alvarez-Napagao, S. (2023, October). Policy graphs in action: explaining single- and multi-agent behaviour using predicates. In XAI in Action: Past, Present, and Future Applications.

pgeon (pgeon-xai) is a Python package that produces explanations for opaque agents using Policy Graphs (PGs).

A Policy Graph is a means to obtain a representation of the behavior of an opaque agent, in the form of a directed graph. Discrete states are mapped to nodes and actions to edges.

Getting started

  • Install pgeon with pip: pip install pgeon-xai


  1. Download the pgeon/ folder and move it into the root directory of your project.
  2. Install pgeon's requirements with pip install -r PATH_TO_PGEON_REQUIREMENTS.

Example usage

Generating a Policy Graph

Given a Gymnasium environment and a discretizer, you can generate a PG to describe an opaque agent's behavior with fit().

from pgeon import PolicyGraph

pg = PolicyGraph(environment, discretizer)
pg =, num_episodes=1000)

Creating and using a PG-based policy

There exist two PG-based policies. You can select one or the other with PGBasedPolicyMode.

from pgeon import PGBasedPolicy, PGBasedPolicyMode

greedy_policy = PGBasedPolicy(pg, mode=PGBasedPolicyMode.GREEDY)
stochastic_policy = PGBasedPolicy(pg, mode=PGBasedPolicyMode.STOCHASTIC)

# Passing the policy an observation to get an action
obs, _ = environment.reset()
action = greedy_policy.act(obs)

More examples

You can check examples/cartpole/demo.ipynb for a complete breakdown of pgeon's features.

To run the notebook yourself:

  1. Download the entire repository.
  2. Install pgeon's requirements with pip install -r requirements.txt.
  3. Install an extra dependency, rllib, with pip install "ray[rllib]".
  4. Open and execute examples/cartpole/demo.ipynb.


If you use the pgeon library, please cite:

  title={Policy graphs in action: explaining single-and multi-agent behaviour using predicates},
  author={Tormos, Adrian and Abalos, Victor and Gnatyshak, Dmitry and Alvarez-Napagao, Sergio},
  booktitle={XAI in Action: Past, Present, and Future Applications},