
Graphing functionality, integrated with pygame!

Graphs, Pygame, plotting
pip install pgplot==0.2



A simple library adding graph drawing functionality to Pygame

Don't use negative numbers, they will be drawn off of the graph. Or do, I can't stop you


Need Pygame. Put pygame.init() and pygame.font.init at the start of your program
Place in your working directory and call import pgplot at the start of your program

Graphing object: Pgp(surface, width, height, topleft=None, topright=None, bottomleft=None, bottomright=None, centre=None, labelColour=None)

surface is a Pygame surface object (for example, pg.display.set_mode((width, height)))
MUST specify coordinates for one of: topleft, topright, bottomleft, bottomright, centre. These are used for placing your graph on the screen.
labelColour is optional, but will need to be a tuple containing an rgb code - for the axis labels.
Minimum size for graph: 300x300

Usage - after creation

To add a plot: graphObj.addPlot(plotCoords, position=None, line=None)
plotCoords - tuple containing coordinates on the graph, e.g. (2,5)
position can be specified in case you need to add a plot to the middle of the graph. Works like list indices - 0 indexed
line is optional, specify line=2 to add plots to a second line. Only two lines are supported at the moment

Draw graph: graphObj.draw() - call every frame