
Phi-3-Vision on Apple silicon with MLX

agent, api, fine-tuning, finetuning, llm, lora, mac, macos, metal, mlx, multi-agent-systems, multimodal, phi-3, phi-3-mini, phi-3-vision, vlm
pip install phi-3-vision-mlx==0.0.2rc1


Phi-3-MLX: Language and Vision Models for Apple Silicon

Phi-3-MLX is a versatile AI framework that leverages both the Phi-3-Vision multimodal model and the recently updated (July 2, 2024) Phi-3-Mini-128K language model, optimized for Apple Silicon using the MLX framework. This project provides an easy-to-use interface for a wide range of AI tasks, from advanced text generation to visual question answering and code execution.

Recent Updates: Phi-3 Mini Improvements

Microsoft has recently released significant updates to the Phi-3 Mini model, dramatically improving its capabilities:

  • Substantially enhanced code understanding in Python, C++, Rust, and TypeScript
  • Improved post-training for better-structured output
  • Enhanced multi-turn instruction following
  • Added support for the <|system|> tag
  • Improved reasoning and long-context understanding


  • Support for the newly updated Phi-3-Mini-128K (language-only) model
  • Integration with Phi-3-Vision (multimodal) model
  • Optimized performance on Apple Silicon using MLX
  • Batched generation for processing multiple prompts
  • Flexible agent system for various AI tasks
  • Custom toolchains for specialized workflows
  • Model quantization for improved efficiency
  • LoRA fine-tuning capabilities
  • API integration for extended functionality (e.g., image generation, text-to-speech)

Quick Start

Install and launch Phi-3-MLX from command line:

pip install phi-3-vision-mlx

To instead use the library in a Python script:

from phi_3_vision_mlx import generate

Usage Examples

1. Core Functionalities

Visual Question Answering

generate('What is shown in this image?', '')

Batch Generation

prompts = [
    "Explain the key concepts of quantum computing and provide a Rust code example demonstrating quantum superposition.",
    "Write a poem about the first snowfall of the year.",
    "Summarize the major events of the French Revolution.",
    "Describe a bustling alien marketplace on a distant planet with unique goods and creatures."
    "Implement a basic encryption algorithm in Python.",

# `Phi-3-Vision
generate(prompts, max_tokens=100)
# `Phi-3-Mini-128K
generate(prompts, max_tokens=100, blind_model=True)

Model and Cache Quantization

# `Model quantization
generate("Explain the implications of quantum entanglement in quantum computing.", quantize_model=True)
# `Cache quantization
generate("Describe the potential applications of CRISPR gene editing in medicine.", quantize_cache=True)

LoRA Fine-tuning

from phi_3_vision_mlx import train_lora

train_lora(lora_layers=5, lora_rank=16, epochs=10, lr=1e-4, warmup=.5, mask_ratios=[.0], adapter_path='adapters', dataset_path = "JosefAlbers/akemiH_MedQA_Reason")

Alt text

generate("Write a cosmic horror.", adapter_path='adapters')

2. Agent Interactions

Multi-turn Conversations and Context Handling

from phi_3_vision_mlx import Agent

agent = Agent()
agent('Analyze this image and describe the architectural style:', '')
agent('What historical period does this architecture likely belong to?')

Alt text

Generative Feedback Loop

agent('Plot a Lissajous Curve.')
agent('Modify the code to plot 3:4 frequency')

Alt text

Extending Capabilities with API Integration

agent('Draw "A perfectly red apple, 32k HDR, studio lighting"')
agent('Speak "People say nothing is impossible, but I do nothing every day."')

Alt text

3. Toolchain Customization

Example 1. In-Context Learning

from phi_3_vision_mlx import load_text

# Create tool
def add_text(prompt):
    prompt, path = prompt.split('@')
    return f'{load_text(path)}\n<|end|>\n<|user|>{prompt}'

# Chain tools
toolchain = """
    prompt = add_text(prompt)
    responses = generate(prompt, images)

# Create agent
agent = Agent(toolchain, early_stop=100)

# Run agent
agent('How to inspect API endpoints? @')

Example 2. Retrieval Augmented Coding

from phi_3_vision_mlx import VDB
import datasets

# User proxy
user_input = 'Comparison of Sortino Ratio for Bitcoin and Ethereum.'

# Create tool
def rag(prompt, repo_id="JosefAlbers/sharegpt_python_mlx", n_topk=1):
    ds = datasets.load_dataset(repo_id, split='train')
    vdb = VDB(ds)
    context = vdb(prompt, n_topk)[0][0]
    return f'{context}\n<|end|>\n<|user|>Plot: {prompt}'

# Chain tools
toolchain_plot = """
    prompt = rag(prompt)
    responses = generate(prompt, images)
    files = execute(responses, step)

# Create agent
agent = Agent(toolchain_plot, False)

# Run agent
_, images = agent(user_input)

Example 3. Multi-Agent Interaction

# Continued from Example 2
agent_writer = Agent(early_stop=100)
agent_writer(f'Write a stock analysis report on: {user_input}', images)


from phi_3_vision_mlx import benchmark

Task Vanilla Model Quantized Model Quantized Cache LoRA Adapter
Text Generation 8.72 tps 55.97 tps 7.04 tps 8.71 tps
Image Captioning 8.04 tps 32.48 tps 1.77 tps 8.00 tps
Batched Generation 30.74 tps 106.94 tps 20.47 tps 30.72 tps

(On an M1 Max 64GB)


This project is licensed under the MIT License.
