
A utility for programming and debugging microcontrollers.

avrdude, icsp, pic, xc8, xc8-compiler
pip install picchick==0.4.1



picchick is a command-line utility used for programming and debugging microcontrollers.

The function is the same as avrdude, i.e. to provide a way to flash a compiled .hex file onto a microcontroller.

The latest documentation is available in the docs/ folder, or hosted online at rex.mckinnon.ninja/picchick



  • python >= 3.10
    • pyserial
  • Compatible serial programmer
    • Checkout the docs for a list of compatible programmers.

From PyPi

picchick can be installed using pip:

$ pip install picchick
$ picchick -h

From Source

Building the latest git version is as simple as pip installing the repo directory. The -e, --editable flag can be added so a git pull will update the picchick command automatically.

$ git clone https://github.com/Rex--/picchick.git
$ cd picchick/
$ pip install [-e] .
$ picchick -h

Instead of installing the package, picchick can also be run as a python module:

$ python -m picchick -h

A wrapper script is provided that does this, providing a bit cleaner interface:

$ chmod +x picchick.sh
$ ./picchick.sh -h

NOTE: You may have to install pyserial for the above methods.


$ picchick -h
usage: picchick [-d <mcu>] [-c <programmer>] [-r <addr> [len] | -w <addr> <word> | -f] [-e [addr]] [-v] [hexfile]
       picchick [-d <mcu>] [--map | --list-ports] [hexfile]

A utility for programming and debugging microcontrollers.

positional arguments:
  hexfile                 path to a hexfile

  -c programmer           type of programmer
  -d mcu, --device mcu    device to be programmed
  --version               print version number and exit
  -h, --help              print this message and exit

  -r, --read addr [len]   read bytes from specified address
  -w, --write addr word   write word to specified address
  -f, --flash             flash hexfile onto the device
  -e, --erase [addr]      erase device or specified address
  -v, --verify            verify device memory
  --map                   display the hexfile
  --list-ports            list available serial ports


Documentation: https://rex.mckinnon.ninja/picchick

Github: https://github.com/rex--/picchick

PyPi: https://pypi.org/project/picchick/


Copyright (C) 2022-2024 Rex McKinnon
This software is released under the University of Illinois/NCSA Open Source License. Check the LICENSE file for more details.