
A tool to download from pixiv

pip install pixiv-dl==0.4.0



A simple tool to automatically download stuff from pixiv.


usage: pixiv-dl [-h] [-u USERNAME] [-p PASSWORD] [-o OUTPUT] [--allow-r18]
                [--min-lewd-level MIN_LEWD_LEVEL]
                [--max-lewd-level MAX_LEWD_LEVEL] [--filter-tag FILTER_TAG]
                [--require-tag REQUIRE_TAG] [--min-bookmarks MIN_BOOKMARKS]
                [--max-bookmarks MAX_BOOKMARKS] [--max-pages MAX_PAGES]
                {bookmarks,following,mirror,tag} ...

A pixiv downloader tool. This can download your bookmarks, your following
feed, whole user accounts, etc.

positional arguments:
    bookmarks           Download bookmarks
    following           Download all following
    mirror              Mirror a user
    tag                 Download works with a tag

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -u USERNAME, --username USERNAME
                        Your pixiv username
  -p PASSWORD, --password PASSWORD
                        Your pixiv password
  -o OUTPUT, --output OUTPUT
                        The output directory for the command to run
  --allow-r18           If R-18 works should also be downloaded
  --min-lewd-level MIN_LEWD_LEVEL
                        The minimum 'lewd level'
  --max-lewd-level MAX_LEWD_LEVEL
                        The maximum 'lewd level'
  --filter-tag FILTER_TAG
                        Ignore any illustrations with this tag
  --require-tag REQUIRE_TAG
                        Require illustrations to have this tag
  --min-bookmarks MIN_BOOKMARKS
                        Minimum number of bookmarks
  --max-bookmarks MAX_BOOKMARKS
                        Maximum number of bookmarks
  --max-pages MAX_PAGES
                        Maximum number of pages