
Quick and dirty caching of function results on disk using pickle

pip install pklcache==0.3



The name stands for pickle cache, and it is a quick and dirty way of caching function results on disk using pickle.

This can be helpful for example in some machine learning tasks, where you have to preprocess the data with many time-consuming steps, and you want to not recompute things every time you run your program.


from pklcache import cache

def foo(*args, **kwargs):
    # time consuming operations here...
    return result

If you run the program

result = foo()  #foo executed

And if you run it again

result = foo()  #foo not executed, load result from disk

The first time foo is called its result is saved on disk on foo_cache.pkl. If then the function is called another time or the program is run again, foo is not executed, instead its return value is loaded from disk and returned.


@cache(fpath, enabled=True)

  • fpath: is the cache file path
  • enabled: if False the store/load is disabled and the function is executed like if it wasn't decorated. Useful during development and debugging.


pip install pklcache

If you don't want an external dependency just copy and paste the code in