
Analyze plaintext into vocabularies, phrases, sentence structures.

vocabulary, phrases, text, nlp
pip install plaintext-analyzer==0.1.3


Installation from pip3

pip3 install --verbose plaintext_analyzer 
python -m spacy download en_core_web_trf
python -m spacy download es_dep_news_trf


Please refer to api docs.

Excutable usage

  • Get vocabularies from plaintext file
pta_vocab --source en_plaintext.txt --stype FILE --lang en  
  • Get vocabularies from text
pta_vocab --source "The typical Bangladeshi breakfast consists of flour-based flatbreads such as chapati, roti or paratha, served with a curry. Usually the curry can be vegetable, home-fried potatoes, or scrambled eggs. The breakfast varies according to location and the eater's income. In villages and rural areas, rice with curry (potato mash, dal ) is mostly preferred by day laborers. In the city, sliced bread with jam or jelly is chosen due to time efficiency. In Bangladesh tea is preferred to coffee and is an essential part of most breakfasts. Having toasted biscuits, bread or puffed rice with tea is also very popular." --stype RAW --lang en  
  • Get vocabularies from plaintext file, and write to csv files
pta_vocab --source en_plaintext.txt --stype FILE --lang en --dstname en_vocab
  • Get vocabularies from text, and write to csv file
pta_vocab --source "The typical Bangladeshi breakfast consists of flour-based flatbreads such as chapati, roti or paratha, served with a curry. Usually the curry can be vegetable, home-fried potatoes, or scrambled eggs. The breakfast varies according to location and the eater's income. In villages and rural areas, rice with curry (potato mash, dal ) is mostly preferred by day laborers. In the city, sliced bread with jam or jelly is chosen due to time efficiency. In Bangladesh tea is preferred to coffee and is an essential part of most breakfasts. Having toasted biscuits, bread or puffed rice with tea is also very popular." --stype RAW --lang en --dstname en_vocab 
  • Get phrases from plaintext file
pta_phrase --source en_plaintext.txt --stype FILE --lang en  
  • Get phrases from text
pta_phrase --source "The typical Bangladeshi breakfast consists of flour-based flatbreads such as chapati, roti or paratha, served with a curry. Usually the curry can be vegetable, home-fried potatoes, or scrambled eggs. The breakfast varies according to location and the eater's income. In villages and rural areas, rice with curry (potato mash, dal ) is mostly preferred by day laborers. In the city, sliced bread with jam or jelly is chosen due to time efficiency. In Bangladesh tea is preferred to coffee and is an essential part of most breakfasts. Having toasted biscuits, bread or puffed rice with tea is also very popular." --stype RAW --lang en  
  • Get phrases from plaintext file, and write to csv files
pta_phrase --source en_plaintext.txt --stype FILE --lang en --dstname en_phrase
  • Get phrases from text, and write to csv file
pta_phrase --source "The typical Bangladeshi breakfast consists of flour-based flatbreads such as chapati, roti or paratha, served with a curry. Usually the curry can be vegetable, home-fried potatoes, or scrambled eggs. The breakfast varies according to location and the eater's income. In villages and rural areas, rice with curry (potato mash, dal ) is mostly preferred by day laborers. In the city, sliced bread with jam or jelly is chosen due to time efficiency. In Bangladesh tea is preferred to coffee and is an essential part of most breakfasts. Having toasted biscuits, bread or puffed rice with tea is also very popular." --stype RAW --lang en --dstname en_phrase 

Package usage

def parser_vocab(source, stype, lang):

  sf = PlaintextReader(source, stype, lang)
  sens = sf.sentences

  analyzer = VocabAnalyzer(lang)
  exs = analyzer.overview_vocabs(sens)


def parser_phrase(source, stype, lang):

  sf = PlaintextReader(source, stype, lang)
  sens = sf.sentences

  analyzer = PhraseAnalyzer(lang)
  exs = analyzer.overview_phrases(sens)



Clone project

git clone

Install poetry

Install dependencies

poetry update


poetry run pytest -rP

which run tests under tests/*


poetry run pta_vocab --help
poetry run pta_phrase --help

Create sphinx docs

poetry shell
cd apidocs
sphinx-apidoc -f -o source ../plaintext_analyzer
make html
python -m http.server -d build/html

Host docs on github pages

cp -rf apidocs/build/html/* docs/


  • Change version in pyproject.toml and plaintext_analyzer/
  • Build python package by poetry build

Git commit and push

Publish from local dev env

  • Set pypi test environment variables in poetry, refer to poetry doc
  • Publish to pypi test by poetry publish -r test

Publish through CI

git tag [x.x.x]
git push origin master