
Farm points on PiXL Maths App

pip install pma==2.0.2


PiXL Maths App Farm

Tests codecov PyPI PyPI - Python Version PyPI - Wheel

This project requires at least Python 3.8. The tool is designed to work with PiXL's Maths App. It was created by reverse engineering the flash file and took a huge amount of time so any support is appreciated.


  1. Install Python
  2. Run pip install -U pma in your terminal/command prompt. This is the same command to update

There are also docker images on GitHub and Docker Hub.

CLI Usage

  • pma farm --help
  • python -m pma farm --help
  • python -m pma farm --goal 100 SCHOOL_ID USERNAME PASSWORD
  • python -m pma farm --yes SCHOOL_ID USERNAME PASSWORD
  • python -m pma farm --goal 100 --yes SCHOOL_ID USERNAME PASSWORD
  • python -m pma farm SCHOOL_ID USERNAME PASSWORD

Note: You can use either pma or python -m pma