
Adorable little Python code for you to copy or import.

python, snippets, utils, gists, bioinformatics, utilities-python
pip install pocketutils==0.5.1



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Adorable little Python functions for you to copy or import, Apache-licensed.

pip install pocketutils or pip install pocketutils[all]

Basic usage – Tools

from pocketutils.full import Tools

Tools.zip_strict([1, 2, 3], [5, 6])  # error <-- lengths must match
Tools.strip_brackets("( (xy)")  # "(xy" <-- strips paired only
Tools.sanitize_path("x\ty")  # "xy"  <-- very robust cross-platform sanitization
Tools.delete_surefire("my_file")  # <-- Attempts to fix permissions if needed
Tools.git_description("my_repo").tag  # <-- get git repo info
Tools.pretty_function(lambda s: None)  # "<λ(1)> <-- decent name for any object
Tools.roman_to_arabic("XIV")  # 14  <-- inverse function too
Tools.delta_time_to_str(delta_sec=60 * 2 + 5)  # "02:05"  <-- handles days too
Tools.round_to_sigfigs(135.3, 2)  # 140  <-- rounding to sigfigs-proper
Tools.pretty_float(-float("-inf"))  # "−∞"  <-- proper unicode, no trailing 0s
Tools.stream_cmd_call(["cat", "big-file"], callback=fn)  # <-- buffer never fills
Tools.strip_off("hippopotamus", "hippo")  # "potamus"  <-- what .strip() should do
Tools.strip_quotes("'hello'")  # "hello"
Tools.truncate10("looong string")  # "looong st…"
Tools.parse_bool("true")  # True
Tools.parse_bool_flex("yes")  # True
Tools.look(item, "purchase.buyer.first_name")  # None if purchase or buyer is None
Tools.friendly_size(n_bytes=2 * 14)  # "16.38 kb"
Tools.is_probable_null("NaN")  # True
Tools.is_true_iterable("kitten")  # False
Tools.or_null(some_function)  # None if it fails
Tools.or_raise(None)  # raises an error (of your choice)
Tools.trash(unwanted_file)  # move to os-specific trash
Tools.pretty_dict({"contents": {"greeting": "hi"}})  # indented
Tools.save_diagnostics(Tools.get_env_info())  # record diagnostic info
Tools.is_lambda(lambda: None)  # True
Tools.longest(["a", "a+b"])  # "a+b"  # anything with len
Tools.only([1, 2])  # error -- multiple items
Tools.first(iter([]))  # None <-- better than try: next(iter(x)) except:...
Tools.trace_signals(sink=sys.stderr)  # log traceback on all signals
Tools.trace_exit(sink=sys.stderr)  # log traceback on exit
# lots of others

More things

  • FancyLoguru (really useful)
  • NestedDotDict (esp. for toml and json)
  • QueryUtils (handles rate-limiting, etc.)
  • FigTools (for matplotlib)
  • J (tools to interact with Jupyter)
  • WB1 (microwell plate nomenclature)
  • Chars (e.g. Chars.shelled(s) or Chars.snowflake)
  • exceptions (general-purpose exceptions that can store relevant info)

Even more, albeit more obscure:

  • TissueExpression, UniprotGo, AtcTree, PlateRois
  • WebResource, magic_template
  • color_schemes, FigSaver, RefDims
  • LoopTools
  • MemCache

See the docs 📚, or just browse the code. New issues and pull requests are welcome. Please refer to the contributing guide and security policy. Generated with tyrannosaurus: tyrannosaurus new tyrannosaurus