Polybar module to check if you are online

pip install polybar-onlinestatus==0.2a2.dev9



PyPI version

polybar module that checks if you are online

To install use pip install polybar-onlinestatus

And use module below:

type = custom/script
exec = polybar-onlinestatus
tail = true
label = %{T4} %output% %{T-}
format-underline = #07BDEE

font-3 = Hack Nerd Font:style=Bold:size=12

You can use any font you want, but make sure icon is big enough. I recommend Nerd Hack but it's up to you.

For more options use polybar-onlinestatus --help in your terminal and assign options in exec = polybar-onlinestatus line.

Icon used by default is , if you are unable to see it - install nerd font from nerdfonts.com, replace it with your own or use --boolean-mode.