
A simple way to have MySQL connection pool which auto-scales infinitely as required. This would help remove problems caused by multithreading, also removed user hassle of manually creating and deleting connections manually.

mysql, pool, threadedmysql, pooledmysql, multithreaded, thread, database, sql
pip install pooledMySQL==1.1.0


pooledMySQL v3.0.5

pip install pooledMySQL --upgrade

A well maintained program to have MySQL connection pool which auto-scales infinitely as required. This would help remove problems caused by multithreading, also removed user hassle of manually creating and deleting connections manually.

To install:

pip install pooledMySQL --upgrade
pip3 install pooledMySQL --upgrade
python -m pip install pooledMySQL --upgrade
python3 -m pip install pooledMySQL --upgrade

Using this program is as simple as:

from pooledMySQL import Manager as MySQLManager

executorMySQL = MySQLManager("SomeUsername", "SomePassword", "DatabaseName")

listOfDict = executorMySQL.execute("SELECT * from someTable")

for individualDict in listOfDict:

Future implementations:

  • Classes for individual tables to make reading and writing of rows way easier for the user
  • Table and database creation syntaxes

This project is always open to suggestions and feature requests.