
Porosity Evaluation tool

pip install porE==1.0.7



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PORosity Evaluation tool

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researchgate DOI

Attention: This is the version as of October 21th, 2021. Current development are carried out at GitLab (https://gitlab.com/openmof/porE).

Main developer:

Installation (global pip installation)

$ pip3 install porE

Installation (local pip installation)

$ git clone https://github.com/kaitrepte/porE
$ cd porE
$ pip3 install -e .

Running the code

There are several calculations types one can choose from:

  • HEA : He approach. Calculates the He void fraction using a cell list approach.
  • OSA : Overlapping sphere approach. Calculates the porosity via two-body overlaps of spheres.
  • GPA : Grid point approach. Void and accessible porosity are calculated using a grid in the unit cell.
  • PSD : Pore size distribution. Using a Monte-Carlo scheme, the pore size distribution is calculated.

To run the code, go to the examples folder.
The file run_porE.py contains examples for the execution on the non-GUI level.
The file run_GUI.py will execute the graphical user interface, including the OSA, GPA and PSD functionalities.
The HEA will be implemented soon.

Special thanks goes to Sebastian Schwalbe for writing the GUI and for many other useful discussions.

Additional information

The basic outline of the porE code and its applications are summarized in

Please see also the published version in the Journal of Computational Chemistry (JCC)

Also, we create some YouTube videos to introduce and explain the porE code

Reference results

Several results from porE are summarized in the porE/results folder.