
HF radio messaging web app using pyjs8call

pip install portalmessenger==0.1.0



Setup a Portal communication platform (intended for Raspberry Pi or similar)

What is Portal?

Utilizing the Reticulum network stack and associated hardware and utilities, Portal enables an open yet secure communications platform for local and long range data networks.

Out-of-the-box features:

  • End-to-end encryption
  • Chat-style messaging with store-and-forward capability
  • Resource hosting including simple "web pages" and files
  • Isolated or internet-based (or any combination of the two) communication networks
  • Configuration utilities for Reticulum-based devices
  • Offline firmware repositories for Reticulum-based devices
  • Offline source code repositories for Reticulum-based packages


Clone this repo and run the setup script to install the necessary software:

git clone https://github.com/simplyequipped/portal.git
cd portal
bash setup.sh

Alternatively, you can download the setup script directly using the wget command:

wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/simplyequipped/portal/master/setup.sh
bash setup.sh

Enter your sudo user password if prompted. Elevated permissions are only required when installing or compiling packages.

How to use Portal

Configure Reticulum connected devices such as RNode and OpenModem, as well as UDP or TCP interfaces:

nano ~/.reticulum/config

See the Reticulum documentation for more information.

After installation, access the terminal-based networking application (user's guide is included in the application):



Visit unsigned.io and Mark Qvist's GitHub for more information on Reticulum, RNode, OpenModem, LXMF, NomadNet, and more. Thank you Mark for all your hard work to keep communication free!