
tool for practicing coding skills against coding websites, e.g. leetcode, etc.

pip install pracode==0.1.0



This is a command line tool for practicing coding skills against coding website, e.g. leetcode.

There're some existing tools, like terminal-leetocde and leetcode-cli.


  • list questions
  • pick a question, generate a local file with default code
  • test your solution in local file, with customizable test cases
  • submit your solution


Install leetcode-cli first. Then pip install pracode to install this tool. Note this only works with Python 3. Python 2 is not supported.

After installation, use command pracode to enter shell-like environment, in which you can use ? or help command for help.


Here are some commands available:

  • l, list: list all problems
  • p ID, pick ID, ID: pick a problem with the problem ID, this will generate a local file with default code, which you can edit with your prefered editor
  • t, test, t TESTCASE, test TESTCASE: post your code in local file to remote website, test it and show you the result. You can also use your own test cases after the command.
  • s, submit: submit your code, show you the result
  • q, quit: quit



  • use prompt_toolkit instead of cmd package
  • more programming languages
  • more websites