
Python interface for precilaser devices

pip install precilaser==0.1.2



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Python interface for precilaser devices

Implements a python interface using pyvisa for 3 Precilaser devices:

  • Precilaser Fiber DFB
  • Precilaser Amplifier
  • Precilaser SHG Amplifier


pip install precilaser or install directly from source.

Implemented Functionality

Precilaser Fiber DFB

  • status
    retrieve the laser status, in a dataclass (with some of the boilerplate code removed; see for more detail):
      class SeedStatus:
        status_bytes: bytes
        endian: str
        temperature_set: float # grating temperature setpoint [C]
        temperature_act: float # grating temperature [C]
        temperature_diode: float # [C]
        current_set: int # [mA]
        current_act : int # [mA]
        wavelength: float # [nm]
        piezo_voltage: float # [V]
        emission: bool
        power: int
        run_hours: int
        run_minutes: int
  • temperature_setpoint
    get or set the grating temperature in C
  • piezo_voltage
    get or set the piezo voltage, from 0 V to 5 V
  • _get_serial_wavelength_params
    retrieve the parameters required to reconstruct the wavelength from the grating temperature
  • wavelength
    calculate the wavelength from the retrieved parameters and the grating temperature

Precilaser Amplifier

  • status
    retrieve the amplifier status, in a dataclass (with some of the boilerplate code removed; see for more detail):
    class AmplifierStatus:
      status_bytes: bytes
      endian: str
      stable: bool
      system_status: SystemStatus
      driver_unlock: DriverUnlock
      driver_current: Tuple[float, ...]
      pd_value: Tuple[int, ...] # internal photodiode values in arb. units
      pd_status: Tuple[PDStatus, ...]
      temperatures: Tuple[float] # internal temperatures of amplifier stages etc.
    class SystemStatus:
      status: int
      pd_protection: Tuple[bool, ...]
      temperature_protection: Tuple[bool, ...]
      fault: bool
    class DriverUnlock:
      driver_unlock: int
      driver_enable_control: Tuple[bool, ...]
      driver_enable_flag: Tuple[bool, ...]
      interlock: bool # true if the interlock is ok
    class PDStatus:
      status: int
      sampling_enable: bool
      hardware_protection: bool
      upper_limit_enabled: bool
      lower_limit_enabled: bool
      hardware_protection_event: bool
      upper_limit_event: bool
      lower_limit_event: bool
      fault: bool
  • current
    get or set the amplifier current [A]
  • enable()
    enable the amplifier
  • disable()
    disable the amplifier
  • save() save amplifier settings to ROM
  • enable_power_stabilization()
    enable power stabilization mode; varies the amplifier current to keep the output power constant
  • disable_power_stabilization() disable power stabilization mode

Precilaser Amplifier

A subclass of the Amplifier, includes all Amplifier functionality plus additionally:

  • shg_temperature get or set the shg crystal temperature [C]


from precilaser import SHGAmplifier

amp = SHGAmplifier("COM50", address = 0)

# change the SHG crystal temperature
amp.shg_temperature = 73.15