Pre processing module
prepro.missing( data = "" , min_ratio = 0.0 , values = "" , method = "mean" , drop_max = "no")
(value parameter is mandatory)
Input data for the processing
the minimum level of missing values having column only preprocessed
example min_ratio=0.5 ,
only less than 50%missing values columns are only will be preprocessed
Giving input as which columns are need to be processed
example values="all" #for all missing values to be preprocessed ,
values=["age","fare"] #for particular missing values to be preprocessed
method it has be used for filling missing values
methods are : mean , median , mode
it will delete the column which has been having more than ratio you have
mentioned in min_ratio , so for that you must mention the min_ratio
#it will delete all the missing columns which is higher than min_ratio
>>from prepro import prepro
>>import pandas as pd
Missing Values by colunm
age 0.200917
fare 0.000764
body 0.907563
dtype: float64
>>pro.isnull().mean()#body column has been dropped ,
age and fare has been updated
pclass 0.000000
survived 0.000000
name 0.000000
sex 0.000000
age 0.000000
sibsp 0.000000
parch 0.000000
ticket 0.000000
fare 0.000000
cabin 0.774637
embarked 0.001528
boat 0.628724
home.dest 0.430863
dtype: float64