timeit, but with the interface it should have had.
Why did I write this?
timeit is a great module, but whenever I wanted to use it, I had to look up the syntax, and even after that it was tricky to get things working. I wanted something that had the similar functionality of timeit but an easier, more intuitive syntax.
Under the hood, I take the same approach as timeit does-
- Everything is imported once.
- The garbage collector is disabled when the function is run.
- By default the function runs 1 milllion times.
With pip.
$ pip install pretty-timeit
With poetry.
$ poetry add pretty-timeit
A simple example.
from ptimeit import timethis, Timer
# although this is a decorator, your original function will not be modified.
def function_to_be_timed():
lst = [i for i in range(10)] # Call this at the end of the file.
name | Execution time
function_to_be_timed | 0.5608107
Note: By default
Prints the results to the console.
If you want it to return a string, do this. # returns a string
Mixing positional arguments with keyword arguments.
Positional Arguments must be passed inside a list even if there is one argument.
Keyword arguments must be passed inside a dictionary.
Note the order follows the common idiom of function(*args, **kwargs)
@timethis( [10], {"second_count_up_to":10} )
def function_to_be_timed(count_up_to, second_count_up_to=100):
lst = [i for i in range(count_up_to)]
lst2 = [i for i in range(second_count_up_to)]
Adding custom descriptive names to your functions
If you want to see a different name other than the function name in the final report you can pass that to the decorator using name=""
@timethis([10], name="A list comprehension that counts up to 10")
def function_to_be_timed(count_up_to):
lst = [i for i in range(count_up_to)]
name | Execution time
A list comprehension that counts up to 10 | 0.5393135
Changing the number of times the function is repeated.
By default, like timeit, The function is repeated 1 million times,
but this can be changed by passing a repeat=
like this. #The function to be timed will loop for hundred times.
Comparing multiple functions.
A common use case that I have found for the timeit module, is to compare the runtime speed of two different algorithms, this is very easy to do in p-timeit.
@timethis(100, name="using a for loop")
def my_func(count_up_to):
for i in range( count_up_to):
@timethis(100, name="using a List comprehension")
def my_func_2(count_up_to):
lst = [i for i in range(count_up_to)]
rank | name | Execution time
1 | using a List comprehension | 2.3460704000000003
2 | using a for loop | 4.37266
As you can see the list comprehension is faster than using a for loop.
Note: you can compare as many functions as you like. Not just two.
The compare=True
flag formats the output, And orders the results from The fastest functions to the slowest.
You can still run multiple functions with
Here's an example without compare
@timethis([10], name="using a for loop")
def my_func(count_up_to):
for i in range( count_up_to):
@timethis([10], name="using a List comprehension")
def my_func_2(count_up_to):
lst = [i for i in range(count_up_to)]
@timethis([10], name="using two lists")
def my_func_3(count_up_to):
lst = [i for i in range(count_up_to)]
lst2 = [i for i in range(count_up_to)]
name | Execution time
using a for loop | 0.7021932000000001
using a List comprehension | 0.6186622999999999
using two lists | 1.0627897000000002
Notice that the functions are ordered as they were defined and not by execution time.