Simple tool to prettify your files

Files, Pretty, Tool, CodeStyle
pip install prettyfi==0.1.13


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Prettify your files with one command

Prettyfi usage

usage: prettyfi [-h] [-c CONFIG] [-r] files [files ...]

Simple utility to make your files prettier.

positional arguments:
files Files to sort
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-c CONFIG, --config CONFIG
  path to configuration file
-r, --recursive
  recursively traverse directories
prettyfi "prettyfi/" "pyproject.toml" # Will make this files beautiful

Prettyfi configuration

Default config file location is "~/.prettyfirc".

Config file format:

.<ext> $ pretty_command {file}
# Where "ext" -> your file extension,
# {file} -> stub for actual file,
# For example:
.py   $ isort {file}
.java $ rm {file}