
Privacy risk analysis library for Python programs.

data-analytics, privacy, quantitative-information-flow
pip install privugger==0.0.10


Privugger: Data Privacy Debugger

Docs and tutorials:

Privugger (/prɪvʌɡə(r)/) is a privacy risk analysis library for python programs. Privugger, takes as input a python program and a specification of the adversary's knowledge about the input of the program (the prior knowledge), and it returns a wide variety of privacy risk analyses, including the following leakage measures:

  • Knowledge-based probability queries
  • Entropy
  • Mutual Information
  • KL-divergence
  • min-entropy
  • Bayes risk
  • ...

Furthermore, Privugger is equipped with a module to perform automatic attacker synthesis. That is, given a program and a leakage measure, it finds the adversary's prior knowledge that maximizes the leakage. In other words, it tells us what is the minimum amount of information that the adversary must know in order for the program to exhibit privacy risks. If this knowledge is publicly available, then the program does not effectively protect users' privacy.


Privugger is a tool written entirely in Python and can be installed using the pip packet manager.

To install write following in command line:

pip install privugger


import privugger as pv

x = pv.Normal(...)

ds = pv.Dataset(...)

program = pv.Program(...)

trace = pv.infer(...)