
Context manager for background command-line programs

pip install process-wrapper==0.3.0


=============== Process Wrapper

Build Status Coverage Status

Process Wrapper is a simple module that executes a command-line style program via a context manager. This is useful if you want your script to do something that relies on a background process.

This module is conceived because of a need to automate the setup and teardown of the Django server when running Robotframework tests. Sample usage would look like this::

#!/usr/bin/env python

import robot
from process_wrapper import run_process

with run_process('python runserver'):'blackbox_test.robot')

Right now, the process being run is forcefully terminated with a SIGKILL or equivalent signal on context exit. Caution is advised.

To install

Run in command line::

pip install process-wrapper



Tested Capabilities

  • Kills parent and child processes on exit
  • Handles in-context exceptions: It still kills the called process and its children
  • Processes are properly cleaned up when in-context exceptions occur
  • Process wrapper will do nothing if it encounters a Process Not Found exception for the parent process and raise all others
  • Tested to work in win32 and linux2 platforms

Test Command Used

Includes line and branch coverage::

py.test processwrapper/tests --cov processwrapper --cov-report term-missing --pep8

Thanks to

jung rhew for providing basis of process teardown code that I used