
algorithms for process mining and data mining on event sequences

pip install prolothar-process-discovery==6.0.0


Prolothar Process Discovery

Algorithms to discover process behavior from data mining on sequential data such as process logs.

Based on the publication

Boris Wiegand, Dietrich Klakow, and Jilles Vreeken. Mining easily understandable models from complex event logs. In: Proceedings of the SIAM International Conference on Data Mining (SDM), Virtual Event. 2021, pp. 244-252.


We currently prepare the code for publishing.


Python 3.11+


If you want to run the algorithms on your own data, follow the steps below.


pip install prolothar-process-discovery

Creating or reading an EventLog

Option 1: you can create an EventLog from a pandas dataframe

# 1) there must be a header line
# 2) each line belongs to one event
# 3) there is one column containing the case ID
# 4) there is one column containing the activity name of the event
# 5) there can be columns for trace and event attributes
import pandas as pd
eventlog = EventLog.create_from_pandas_df(
      pd.read_csv('path/to/eventlog.csv', delimiter=','),
      'CaseId', 'Activity',

Option 2: you can create an EventLog from .xes with the help of the pm4py package

from pm4py.objects.log.importer.xes import importer as xes_import_factory
import prolothar_common.pm4py_utils as pm4py_utils
xes = xes_import_factory.apply('path/to/eventlog.xes.gz')
eventlog = pm4py_utils.convert_pm4py_log(xes)

Option 3: you can create an EventLog manually

from prolothar_common.models.eventlog import EventLog, Trace, Event
eventlog = EventLog()
#case ID (0 in the example) can be any hashable type, e.g. int or string. must be unique.
eventlog.add_trace(Trace(0, [
      Event('start computer', attributes={'user': 'alice'}),
      Event('drink coffee', attributes={'milk': 'yes', 'grams_of_sugar': 5}),

Discovering a PatternGraph

from prolothar_process_discovery.discovery import Proseqo
from prolothar_process_discovery.discovery import ProSimple

directly_follows_graph = PatternGraph.create_from_event_log(eventlog)

pattern_graph = Proseqo().mine_dfg(eventlog, directly_follows_graph, verbose=True)

pattern_graph = ProSimple().mine_dfg(eventlog, directly_follows_graph, verbose=True)
# we can also plot to a file
pattern_graph.plot(filepath='path/to/your/file', filetype: str='pdf', view=False)


These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes. See deployment for notes on how to deploy the project on a live system.

Running the tests

make test


When changes are pushed into the master branch, the project is bundled and uploaded to PyPi automatically.


We use SemVer for versioning.


If you have any questions, feel free to ask one of our authors: