
A wrapper around psycopg2 to make common things easier.

postgresql, database
pip install psycopgwrap


Written by Sean Reifschneider <>
Placed in the public domain.
No rights reserved.

Please submit bugs/fixes at:

A wrapper around psycopg2 to make common things easier.  It really doesn't
follow the DB-API.  It's mostly for me to experiment with other ways of
talking to the database than the standard DB-API.  I've used this in a
number of projects.  It's primary focus is convenience.

Here are a few of the features:

   Query results can be accessed as a dictionary of columns (row['id']).

   Query results can be accessed as attributes (

   Query results can be accessed as lists (row[0]).

   Queries return indexable iterators, so you can do things like "for
   row in query", and "query(cmd)[0]".  Note that indexes can only be
   larger than or equal to the last index.

   Query arguments are passed as discrete arguments, not as a tuple.
   Passing as a tuple always makes me want to do a "%" and if I accidentally
   do that it can open up a SQL injection.

   There's an "insert" helper that takes a table name and keyword arguments.
   Similarly there's a "dictinsert" helper that takes a dictionary of


   from psycopgwrap import Database as db
   user = db.query('SELECT * FROM users WHERE name = %s', name)
   if user == None:
      print 'No such user "%s"' % name
   print 'User id: %s' %        #  or user.id_
   for row in db.query('SELECT * FROM status WHERE id = %s', 500):
      print 'id:', row.['id']

Other examples:

   db.insert('users', name = 'Al Bert')
   db.insert('users', { name : 'Al Bert' })

   user_count = db.queryone('SELECT COUNT(*) FROM users')[0]  #  0-th column

   if db.queryone("SELECT * FROM users WHERE name = 'Al Bert'"):
      print 'Al is in the house'
   else: print 'No such user'

   try: db.commit()
   except: db.rollback()