
Pushover Notifications for StackExchange Sites

stackexchange, pushover, notifications, hacktoberfest, pushover-notifications
pip install pushoverflow==1.0.0



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Send Pushover notifications of new questions posted to StackExchange

Installation and Requirements

PushOverflow has been written for Python (tested with Travis CI on 3.5+).

To install:

$ python setup.py install

or alternatively:

$ pip install pushoverflow


  • Copy and rename pushoverflow.ini.sample to pushoverflow.ini. By default PushOverflow will look for the file in the current directory (eg. ./pushoverflow.ini) or you can specify the path at runtime (eg. pushoverflow /path/to/pushoverflow.ini).

  • Edit the configuration for the StackExchange sites you would like notifications. tags allows you to filter questions with one of those tags (comma separated tags treated as boolean OR). exclude will filter out questions with any oof those tags. Both are optional.

    Each configuration section will check a specific StackExchange site. For instance [scifi] will check for new questions in http://scifi.stackexchange.com/ (Science Fiction & Fantasy).

  • You will need to specify your Pushover user key in the configuration (in userkey), as well as register an application with Pushover and specify the application's API token (in appkey).

  • Set time_delta_minutes to the number of minutes you would like between each check.

  • Setup a cron job (crontab -e) to run pushoverflow.py with the same frequency as time_delta_minutes.

    Eg. For time_delta_minutes = 20:

    */20 * * * * pushoverflow /path/to/config_file


*/20 * * * * cd /path/to/config_directory && pushoverflow

Future Ideas

  • Allow boolean AND of multiple tags
  • More granular priority settings