A python wrapper for the AllSpice Hub API

AllSpice, Hub, api, wrapper
pip install py-allspice==2.3.1



A very simple API client for AllSpice Hub

Note that not the full Swagger-API is accessible. The whole implementation is focused on making access and working with Organizations, Teams, Repositories and Users as pain free as possible.

Forked from https://github.com/Langenfeld/py-gitea.



Check the examples directory for full, working example scripts that you can adapt or refer to for your own needs.


First get an allspice_client object wrapping access and authentication (via an api token) for your instance of AllSpice Hub.

from allspice import *

# By default, points to hub.allspice.io.
allspice_client = AllSpice(token_text=TOKEN)

# If you are self-hosting:
allspice_client = AllSpice(allspice_hub_url=URL, token_text=TOKEN)

Operations like requesting the AllSpice version or authentication user can be requested directly from the allspice_client object:

print("AllSpice Version: " + allspice_client.get_version())
print("API-Token belongs to user: " + allspice_client.get_user().username)

Adding entities like Users, Organizations, ... also is done via the allspice_client object.

user = allspice_client.create_user("Test Testson", "test@test.test", "password")

All operations on entities in allspice are then accomplished via the according wrapper objects for those entities. Each of those objects has a .request method that creates an entity according to your allspice_client instance.

other_user = User.request(allspice_client, "OtherUserName")

Note that the fields of the User, Organization,... classes are dynamically created at runtime, and thus not visible during divelopment. Refer to the AllSpice API documentation for the fields names.

Fields that can not be altered via allspice-api, are read only. After altering a field, the .commit method of the according object must be called to synchronize the changed fields with your allspice_client instance.

org = Organization.request(allspice_client, test_org)
org.description = "some new description"
org.location = "some new location"

An entity in allspice can be deleted by calling delete.


All entity objects do have methods to execute some of the requests possible though the AllSpice api:

org = Organization.request(allspice_client, ORGNAME)
teams = org.get_teams()
for team in teams:
	repos = team.get_repos()
	for repo in repos:


Use pip install py-allspice to install.

A Note on Versioning

This repository does not follow the same versioning policy as py-gitea. After v1.17.x, py-allspice switched to Semantic Versioning with v2.0.0. In general, versions of py-allspice do NOT conform to versions of AllSpice Hub, and the latest version of py-allspice should be compatible with the current version of AllSpice Hub.


Tests can be run with:

python3 -m pytest test_api.py

Make sure to have an instance of AllSpice Hub running on http://localhost:3000, and an admin-user token at .token. The admin user must be named test, with email secondarytest@test.org.