
py_api_saga is a complete class-based fashion of building saga pattern for microservices.

saga, api_saga, resi_api, python, api, roll_back, transitions
pip install py-api-saga==0.0.3


Github Python version


PY API SAGA is a complete class-based fashion of building saga pattern for microservices. It offers both narrative patterns Orchestration-Based Saga and Choreography-Based Saga. To execute saga operations use the following method.

  • orchestrator_execute
  • choreography_execute

orchestrator_execute Every transition is carried out one by one. If exception arises, all prior operations will be compensated in the reversed order. All the operation responses are contained in the result list and the results are arranged in the same sequence as the Saga operations.

choreography_execute Every transition is carried out concurrently, and no operation is dependent on any other process. Hence, multithreading is used an if an error occurs in any of the operation process all the succeeded operations will be compensated.

While executing compensations possible Exceptions are recorded and raised wrapped in a SagaException once all compensations have been executed.

Key features:

  • Easy: Designed to be easy to use and intuitive.
  • Fast to code: Type hints and automatic docs lets you focus only on business logic.
  • Framework friendly: Since it developed with standard Python, so it can simply implement with python based frameworks like Django and Flask.
  • Retry operation attempts: Retry an operation action again if it fails.


  • Python >= 3.6


pip install py_api_saga

After installation, import SagaAssembler from py_api_saga


The saga operation contains only two function operation action and compensation. The action and compensation are by two ways.

  • when operation has arguments then pass the function along with in a tuple.
  • When function is without argument then simply pass the function name.


from py_api_saga import SagaAssembler

# Operation with argument functions 
SagaAssembler.saga().operation((function_name, arg_1, arg_2),
                               (compensation_function_name, arg_1)).orchestrator_execute()

# Operation without argument functions
SagaAssembler.saga().operation(function_name, compensation_function_name).orchestrator_execute()


Simple example

import json

import requests

def update_product_state(state):
    #function to update the state in product service.
    url = "https://host/productService/product/123/"
    # updat e product state from 'in_stock' to 'sold_out' 
    response =,data=json.dumps({"state":state}))
    if response != 200:
        raise Exception(response.error)
    return response
def update_shipping_state(shipping_state):
    #function to update the state in shipping service.
    url = "https://host/shippingService/product/123/shipping/"
    # update shipping state to 'ready_to_dispatch'
    response =, data=json.dumps({"state": shipping_state}))
    if response != 200:
        raise Exception(response.error)
    return response

Now build saga as given below:

from py_api_saga import SagaAssembler

    result = SagaAssembler.saga().operation((update_product_state, 'sold_out'),(update_product_state, 'in_stock')).operation((update_shipping_state, 'ready_to_dispatch')).choreography_execute()
except SagaAssembler.SagaException as exception:
  return str(exception.operation_error)

Advanced saga usage

The prior operation result can be accessed inside the operation function when using orchestrator_execute.


def function_name(args):
    # access previous functions outcomes.
    prior_results = function_name.saga_results

Advanced saga Exception handling

When an error occurs in saga execution it can be handled using SagaException. The SagaException provides error as well as information to track error function and compensation results.


except SagaAssembler.SagaException as exception:
    # Error
    # Function name responsible for the error.
    # Compensation success result list.
    # Error list that occurs when compensation is executed.