A simple CVE database written in Python

pip install py-cvedb==0.0.5.post2



A local CVE db repository

  1. Clone the cvelistV5 github repo
  2. loop through all CVEs
    1. CVE instance will be created based on CVE json file
      1. If the CVE json file contains metrics entry, create Metrics for the CVE
      2. Otherwise, if --create-metrics argument is given, fetch metrics from NVD and create Metrics for the CVE
  3. store in local database (python pickle)


Use pip command to install:

pip install py-cvedb


Command Line

  1. Use cvedb --clone to clone the cvelistV5 repo and init the local data
    1. This action will first check if cvelistV5 repo is cloned.
      1. If not cloned yet, clone the repo first
      2. Then, loop through all CVE JSON file and create CVE instance
    2. The local database will be dumped to a compressed pickle file located in $HOME/.config/cvedb/cvedb.pickle
  2. Use cvedb --update to check if there contains update from cvelistV5 repo
    1. If contains detected
      1. Firstly, get all updated file
      2. Re-create CVE instance and do update or insert to local database
  1. The cvelistV5 repo take several minutes to clone, actual time taken is affected by Internet connection


Use cvedb -s or cvedb --search to search from database

  1. using -y or --year to get CVEs in a specific year
    1. Adding -p or --pattern to filter out CVE records. Give a string start will - for negative match.
      1. If given injection -database will get all records contains injection but not database.
  2. using -i or --id to get CVE with a specific CVE id

Use it in python project

>>> from cvedb import cvedb
>>> cvedb = cvedb.init_db()
>>> type(cvedb) # <class 'cvedb.cvedb.CVEdb'>