
An unofficial python helper package to interact with the mediastack API.

api, mediastack, python
pip install py-mediastack==0.1.1



An unofficial python helper package to interact with the mediastack API.


  • No historical Data (I don't have a paid account to test it)
  • No News Sources search (I don't have time to implement it)

Feel free to contribute. Make sure that you use the pre-commit hooks.

What can it do ?

It can give you live news updated.


pip3 install py-mediastack


Get the api key from here

from mediastack import MediaStack
client = MediaStack("<your-api-key>")

resp = client.get_live_news()

Pagination(limit=25, offset=0, count=25, total=10000)

Article(author='Redazione', title='Via agli incontri di quartiere:
primo appuntamento con i residenti di San Lorenzo',
description='Hanno preso il via ieri sera, dalla sala Biasin dove l’Amministrazione ha convocato i residenti del quartiere San Lorenzo, gli ‘Incontri di quartiere’ con cui la Giunta si confronta con i cittadini. Presenti, oltre al Sindaco Gian Francesco Menani, il vicesindaco Camilla Nizzoli e gli assessori Corrado Ruini e Massimo Malagoli, che hanno ascoltato le [&#8230;]',

The parameters for MediaStack.get_live_news are as follow:

  • sources: Optional[list[str]] -> Use this parameter to include or exclude one or multiple news sources. Example: To include CNN, but exclude BBC: sources=["cnn", "-bbc"]

  • categories: Optional[list[str]] Use this parameter to include or exclude one or multiple news categories. Example: To include business, but exclude sports: categories=["business", "-sports"].

  • countries: Optional[list[str]] -> Use this parameter to include or exclude one or multiple countries. Example: To include Australia, but exclude the US: countries=["au", "-us"].

  • languages: Optional[list[str]] -> Use this parameter to include or exclude one or multiple languages. Example: To include English, but exclude German: languages=["en", "-de"].

  • keywords: Optional[str] -> Use this parameter to search for sentences, you can also exclude words that you do not want to appear in your search results. Example: To search for "New movies 2021" but exclude "Matrix": keywords='new movies 2021 -matrix'

  • date: Optional[str] -> Use this parameter to specify a date or date range. Example: date=2020-01-01 for news on Jan 1st and date='2020-12-24,2020-12-31' for news between Dec 24th and 31st.

  • sort: Optional[str] -> Use this parameter to specify a sorting order. Available values: published_desc (default), published_asc, popularity

  • limit: Optional[int] -> Use this parameter to specify a pagination limit (number of results per page) for your API request. Default limit value is 25, maximum allowed limit value is 100.

  • offset: Optional[int] -> Use this parameter to specify a pagination offset value for your API request. Example: An offset value of 100 combined with a limit value of 10 would show results 100-110. Default value is 0, starting with the first available result.

The get_live_news methods returns a LiveNewsResponse data class. It contains the pagination details and the data.

The LiveNewsResponse.pagination is of type Pagination and has the following attributes.

  • Pagination.limit -> your pagination limit value.
  • Pagination.offset -> your pagination offset value.
  • Pagination.count -> the results count on the current page.
  • -> the total count of results available.

The is a list[Article] and each Article has the following attributes.

  • -> the name of the author of the given news article.
  • Article.title -> the title text of the given news article.
  • Article.description -> the description text of the given news article.
  • Article.url - > the URL leading to the given news article.
  • Article.image -> an image URL associated with the given news article.
  • Article.category -> the category associated with the given news article.
  • Article.language -> the language the given news article is in.
  • -> the country code associated with the given news article.
  • Article.published_at -> the exact time stamp the given news article was published.
  • Article.source -> the source from which the article was taken

Supported News Categories

  • general - Uncategorized News
  • business - Business News
  • entertainment - Entertainment News
  • health - Health News
  • science - Science News
  • sports - Sports News
  • technology - Technology News

Supported Countries

Click Here to see the list of all the supported countries.

Supported Languages

  • ar - Arabic
  • de - German
  • en - English
  • es - Spanish
  • fr - French
  • he - Hebrew
  • it - Italian
  • nl - Dutch
  • no - Norwegian
  • pt - Portuguese
  • ru - Russian
  • se - Swedish
  • zh - Chinese

Most of the docs are directly taken from the mediastacks api docs