
Python package to obtain Shakespeare script and monologue

pip install py-shakespeare==0.1.0



py_shakespeare is a Python package to obtain Shakespeare script and monologue.


$ pip install py_shakespeare




shake_play(min_num_character=20, play_complexity, play_length)

Base class to obtain the list of Shakespeare play based on minimum number of character, length of the play, and complexity of the play. This class will obtain data from DraCor API and merge the data to genre of Shakespeare play that was obtained by scraping "" website.


shake_monologue(gender='ALL', min_line=30, include_all=True, play_list)

Base class to obtain a list of monologues from Shakespeare plays based on gender of the monologues speaker, minimum line of monologue, and list of plays which monologues want to be obtained. This class will obtain data from both DraCor and The Folger Shakespeare API to help user choose monologue based on several inputs.

How to use

Import all classes

>>> from py_shakespeare import py_shakespeare


  • Initialize shake play based on minimum number of character, play complexity (optional), and play length (optional)

    >>> pl = py_shakespeare.shake_play(min_num_character=30, play_complexity = "Medium", play_length = "Medium")
  • Get the summarized table.

    >>> pl.get_summary()

    This function returned a table with following variables: * title: title of the play * popularity: relative popularity (from the number of Wikipedia links referring to this play) to other plays with similar minimum number of character * genre: genre of the play (based on Open Source Shakespeare website) * num_character: number of character/cast in this play * play_length: relative length of the play to other plays with similar minimum number of character. Obtained by using number of words variable divided by rate of speech in a drama (170 words per minute) * play_complexity: relative complexity of the play to other plays with similar minimum number of character. Obtained by using average degree of dialogue between each character in the play

  • Get detailed table

    >>> pl.get_complete()

    This function returned a table with same variables of summary table plus below variables: * num_male_character: number of male character/cast in this play * num_female_character: number of female character/cast in this play * num_unknown_character: number of unknown gender character/cast in this play * num_scene: number of scene/segment in this play * play_length_hr: length of the play in hours. Obtained by using number of words variable divided by rate of speech in a drama (170 words per minute)

  • Download selected script in xml format. The file will be downloaded to the device.

    >>> pl.get_script(row = 2)


  • Initialize a table of monologues from Shakespeare plays based on gender of character, minimum line, and list of plays. WARNING: if choose include_all = True the run time for the function will be quite long

    >>> ml = py_shakespeare.shake_monologue(gender = "ALL", min_line = 40, include_all = False, play_list = ["Rom", "Ham"])
  • Get the summarized table

    >>> ml.get_summary()

    This function returned a table with following variables: * play: title of the play * name: name of the character * gender: gender of the character * degree: how many other characters this character interacted with * monologue_link: Link to the monologue * line_num: number of lines of the monologue

  • Get the complexity score of the monologue. Complexity score is calculated using Flesch Kincaid Grade readibility score.

    >>> ml.get_complexity()

    This function returned a summary table with 2 additional variables: * complexity_score: Flesch Kincaid Grade readibility score * complexity_category: Complexity category based on the readibility score

  • Download selected monologue script in txt format. The file will be downloaded to the device.

    >>> ml.get_script(row = 2)
  • Folger ID as input of play_list. If include_all = False, an array of play_list should be passed in the function parameter. Below is the list of Folger ID:

    Folger ID Play
    AWW All’s Well That Ends Well
    Ant Antony and Cleopatra
    AYL As You Like It
    Err The Comedy of Errors
    Cor Coriolanus
    Cym Cymbeline
    Ham Hamlet
    1H4 Henry IV, Part 1
    2H4 Henry IV, Part 2
    H5 Henry V
    1H6 Henry VI, Part 1
    2H6 Henry VI, Part 2
    3H6 Henry VI, Part 3
    H8 Henry VIII
    JC Julius Caesar
    Jn King John
    Lr King Lear
    LLL Love’s Labor’s Lost
    Mac Macbeth
    MM Measure for Measure
    MV The Merchant of Venice
    Wiv The Merry Wives of Windsor
    MND A Midsummer Night’s Dream
    Ado Much Ado About Nothing
    Oth Othello
    Per Pericles
    R2 Richard II
    R3 Richard III
    Rom Romeo and Juliet
    Shr The Taming of the Shrew
    Tmp The Tempest
    Tim Timon of Athens
    Tit Titus Andronicus
    Tro Troilus and Cressida
    TN Twelfth Night
    TGV Two Gentlemen of Verona
    TNK Two Noble Kinsmen
    WT The Winter’s Tale


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py_shakespeare was created by Hamidah Alatas. It is licensed under the terms of the MIT license.


py_shakespeare was created with cookiecutter and the py-pkgs-cookiecutter template.

py_shakespeare used DraCor API. Fischer, Frank, et al. (2019). Programmable Corpora: Introducing DraCor, an Infrastructure for the Research on European Drama. In Proceedings of DH2019: "Complexities", Utrecht University, doi:10.5281/zenodo.4284002.

py_shakespeare used The Folger Shakespeare API. Folger Shakespeare Library. (n.d.) Shakespeare’s Plays, Sonnets and Poems from The Folger Shakespeare API. Retrieved from