
A Python library of data structures optimized for machine learning tasks

pip install py4ai-core==1.0.2


py4ai core

PyPI Python version Documentation Python package

A Python library defining data structures optimized for machine learning pipelines

What is it ?

py4ai-core is a Python package with modular design that provides powerful abstractions to build data ingestion pipelines and run end to end machine learning pipelines. The library offers lightweight object-oriented interface to MongoDB as well as Pandas based data structures. The aim of the library is to provide extensive support for developing machine learning based applications with a focus on practicing clean code and modular design.


Some cool features that we are proud to mention are:


  1. configFromFiles: utility function to configure loggers according to configuration files, giving options to capture warnings and to define which logger to use to capture errors.
  2. WithLogging: Base class setting up the logger property defining a logger named according to the class to be used in descendant classes.


Offers a unified framework to parse and store yaml configuration files:

  1. get_confs_in_path: Retrieve all configuration files from system path, with given extension.
  2. merge_confs : merge given configuration files.
  3. BaseConfig : Basic configuration class. This class implements utility methods to retrieve configuration sub-levels and values. An instance of this class can be updated merging other instances of the same class.
  4. Some pre-implemented configuration classes for some common use cases like: FileSystemConfig, LoggingConfig, MongoConfig and many more.


From pypi server

pip install py4ai-core

From source

git clone
cd py4ai-core
make install


make tests


To run predefined checks (unit-tests, linting checks, formatting checks and static typing checks):

make checks

How to contribute ?

We are very much willing to welcome any kind of contribution whether it is bug report, bug fixes, contributions to the existing codebase or improving the documentation.

Where to start ?

Please look at the Github issues tab to start working on open issues

Contributing to py4ai-core

Please make sure the general guidelines for contributing to the code base are respected

  1. Fork the py4ai-core repository.
  2. Create/choose an issue to work on in the Github issues page.
  3. Create a new branch to work on the issue.
  4. Commit your changes and run the tests to make sure the changes do not break any test.
  5. Open a Pull Request on Github referencing the issue.
  6. Once the PR is approved, the maintainers will merge it on the main branch.