A library for working with docsis files

pip install pyDocsis==0.3.40


pyDocsis: A library for doing things to DOCSIS configs with python

A few python files for reading, modifying, and creating DOCSIS files.

It mostly works! Mibs need some more testing and TLV7 assumes that your CMTS is going to strip out that value and replace it with something else. See te Docs folder for examples.

I am adding scripts to the library so that you can just use cli to do the important bits.

Using the scripts

Updating the list of mibs

Mibs are stored in ~/.mibs.json. If you want to update the list of mibs, run mib-json-builder.py and it will update the list from /var/lib/snmp/mibs and ~/.mibs. If you keep your mibs is a different place, you should tell me to add the '-a' flag to the script. You should only need to run this command if you change the mibs on your system.

Decoding a DOCSIS config

Running the command cm_decode will decode a DOCSIS config file. It will print out the decoded config to the screen. You should use the -o flag to output the config to a file in a future version.


mib-json-builder.py is stolen from python-snmp-mib-browser (https://github.com/markkuleinio/python-snmp-mib-browser) and was forked with permission.