
pyRDDLGym-jax: JAX compilation of RDDL description files, and a differentiable planner in JAX.

gradient-based-optimisation, jax, model-based, planning, planning-algorithms, rddl
pip install pyRDDLGym-jax==0.1



Author: Mike Gimelfarb

This directory provides:

  1. automated translation and compilation of RDDL description files into the JAX auto-diff library, which allows any RDDL domain to be converted to a differentiable simulator!
  2. a powerful gradient-based planning algorithm, with extendible and flexible policy class representations, automatic discrete model relaxations, and much more!


To use the compiler or planner without the automated hyper-parameter tuning, you will need the following packages installed:

  • pyRDDLGym>=2.0.1
  • tqdm>=4.66
  • jax>=0.4.12
  • optax>=0.1.9
  • dm-haiku>=0.0.10
  • tensorflow>=2.13.0
  • tensorflow-probability>=0.21.0

Additionally, if you wish to run the automated tuning optimization, you will also need the bayesian-optimization>=1.4.3 package.

You can install this package, together with all of its requirements as follows

# Create a new conda environment
conda create -n jaxplan
conda activate jaxplan

# Manually install pyRDDLGym >= 2.0.1
cd ~/path/to/pyRDDLGym
git checkout pyRDDLGym-v2-branch
pip install -e .

# Manually install rddlrepository >= 2
cd ~/path/to/rddlrepository
git checkout rddlrepository-v2-branch
pip install -e .

# Install pyRDDLGym-jax
cd ~/path/to/pyRDDLGym-jax
pip install -e .

A pip installer will be coming soon.

Running the basic examples

A basic run script is provided to run the Jax Planner on any domain in rddlrepository, provided a config file is available (currently, only a limited subset of configs are provided as examples). The example can be run as follows in a standard shell:

python -m pyRDDLGym_jax.examples.run_plan <domain> <instance> <method> [<episodes>]


  • domain is the domain identifier as specified in rddlrepository (i.e. Wildfire_MDP_ippc2014)
  • instance is the instance identifier (i.e. 1, 2, ... 10)
  • method is the planning method to use (i.e. drp, slp, replan)
  • episodes is the number of episodes to evaluate the learned policy

A basic run script is also provided to run the automatic hyper-parameter tuning. The structure of this stript is similar to the one above

python -m pyRDDLGym_jax.examples.run_tune <domain> <instance> <method> [<trials>] [<iters>] [<workers>]


  • domain is the domain identifier as specified in rddlrepository (i.e. Wildfire_MDP_ippc2014)
  • instance is the instance identifier (i.e. 1, 2, ... 10)
  • method is the planning method to use (i.e. drp, slp, replan)
  • trials is the number of trials/episodes to average in evaluating each hyper-parameter setting
  • iters is the maximum number of iterations/evaluations of Bayesian optimization to perform
  • workers is the number of parallel evaluations to be done at each iteration, e.g. the total evaluations = iters * workers

For example, copy and pasting the following will train the Jax Planner on the Quadcopter domain with 4 drones:

python -m pyRDDLGym_jax.examples.run_plan Quadcopter 1 slp

After several minutes of optimization, you should get a visualization as follows: