
Type hints for Abaqus/Python scripting

abaqus, python
pip install pyabaqus==2021.1


pyabaqus 2022.1

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Note The repo has been transferred to abqpy.

Type hints for Abaqus/Python scripting

pyabaqus is a Python package providing type hints for Python scripting of Abaqus, you can use it to write your Python script of Abaqus fluently, even without doing anything in Abaqus. It also provides some simple APIs to execute the Abaqus commands so that you can run your Python script to build the model, submit the job and extract the output data in just one Python script, even without opening the Abaqus/CAE.

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Pull Requests are Welcome

Since pyabaqus is reconstructed from the official Abaqus documentation, many of the docstrings are not well formatted, for example, the Raises section, the math equations, the attributes of the objects, due to the limitation of my time, those things are left behind, if anyone is willing to make any contributions, please feel free to create your pull requests.

New Features

  • Jupyter Notebook support (Since V1.0.15)

    You can put your Abaqus/Python script into a Jupyter Notebook. When you run the notebook, the package will convert the notebook into a plain Python file with the same name but with .py suffix instead of .ipynb, and then it will be submitted to Abaqus kernel.

    Go for tests using Jupyter Notebooks to build the Abaqus model.


pyabaqus is using type hints features that require Python 3.9 or a later version, please upgrade it to Python 3.9 or a later version if you are using an earlier version.

pyabaqus is uploaded to PyPI, you can simply install it using pip:

pip install pyabaqus

pyabaqus is also uploaded to anaconda, you can use conda to install it:

conda install -c haiiliin pyabaqus

Bindings to Abaqus Version

The main version of pyabaqus, is consistent with the Abaqus version. For example, pyabaqus 2021 and 2021.1 are both corresponding to Abaqus 2021, the later version fixes some wrong docstrings (especially the format). The latest sub-versions of pyabaqus corresponding to Abaqus are:

Optional Installations

In order to use the Jupyter Notebook feature, you have to install the following packages:

pip install ipyparams  # to read the file name of the notebook
pip install notebook
pip install jupyterlab

Or use conda to install (the ipyparams package is only distributed in PyPI, so you have to install it using pip):

conda install jupyterlab
conda install jupyter notebook

Try the following command to make sure the jupyter command is available.

jupyter --version

You may install the latest development version by cloning the GitHub repository and use python to install from the local directory:

git clone
cd pyabaqus
python install

Setup Abaqus Environment

In order to use Abaqus command to execute the Python script and submit the job, you need to tell pyabaqus where the Abaqus command is located. Usually, Abaqus command locates in a directory like this:


You can add the directory C:/SIMULIA/Commands to the system environment variable Path, or you can create a new system variable named ABAQUS_BAT_PATH, and set the value to the file path of the Abaqus command, i.e., C:/SIMULIA/Commands/abaqus.bat.


  • Create an Abaqus Model


  • Extract Output Data


Explore more

For detailed usage of this package, please refer to the documentation.