
Powerfull module to control api using python

pip install pybay==1.0.0


🥳 PyBay

Hi! Welcome to the github of my first python package. Thanks you, and contributions are welcome.

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What is it ?

PyBay is a package that allow you to use easily in python.

🌐 Is it open-source ?

Yes it is, but under MIT License

🕛 First time with PyBay

pip install pybay
from pybay import File

🌹 Uploading files

from pybay import File
print(File.Upload("path/of/my/file.txt", 1) # You can use 1 or 2 as a response parameter (more below...)

File.Upload() need 2 arguments

  • FilePath
  • Response type (1 or 2) For Response type, 1 will return file id and 2 will return file url 1 response exemple:

2 response exemple:

📛 Errors that you can get

If your file is too large (more than 5GB), PyBay will respond:

Your file is too large. Max size is 5GB

💻 Get file infos using PyBay

PyBay allow you to get informations about any files using his bayfiles id.

from pybay import File, Info
print("Long file URL: " + Info.Long(File.Upload("myfile.txt", 1))
print("Short file URL: " + Info.Short(File.Upload("myfile.txt", 1))
print("File's Name: " + Info.Name(File.Upload("myfile.txt", 1))
print("File's Size: " + Info.Size(File.Upload("myfile.txt", 1), 1) # You can use 1 or 2 as a response argument

Info.Size need 2 arguments:

  • FilePath
  • ResponseType For ResponseType, 1 will return file size in bytes and 2 will return file size as a readable text 1 Response exemple:
File's Size: 8

2 Response exemple:

File's Size: 8 B

📛 Errors that you can get

If your file id is not found by PyBay, you will get this error:

This file doesn't exist, sorry.


PyBay has only 1 dependencies 🥳 ! It's only using requests !

👤 Author

👤 GitHub: @vodkarm

🤝 Contributing

Contributions, issues and feature requests are welcome!
Feel free to check issues page.

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🤔 Creator message

This package is my first, before I never created any packages. It was did in only 30 minutes, I know this code is not perfect but It work. Thanks for all <3