
Find a book download URL from multiple online book sources

scraper, books, python
pip install pybooks==0.2



$ pip install pybooks


Simple usage

from pybooks.pbook import Pbooks 

pbook = Pbooks( author='jerome',
                title='elements of statistic',
                weights=(9, 1)) 


The weights argument is used to calculate the accuracy of all the items found and the final chosen url. For example, a weights of (9, 1) will place more important on the author accuracy than title's hence it is more likely that the result will have author's name more similar to the input. Default weights are (1, 1)

Optional arguments are show_result: Print the result at the end or not, threshold: Only print result with accuracy higher than threshold and log: Show process while running or not, etc. More arguments can be found in the documentation of the code.

You can modify or add additional sources by editing the file pybooks/sources.json and follow the existing format within the file.

Sources.json format, rules

Example: Library Genesis with elements of statistics as search term

The only components we need in the URL are: request: ?req=..., delimiter: + (elements+of+statistics) and pagination: page=... and term_concatenation: & (req=...&page=...)


URL: main url without search terms
URL_RULES: dictionary contains keys and values as search rules.
HTML_RULES: Contains nested dictionary represent necessary components to conduct searches such as tags, attributes for titles, authors, rows and page body
.POSITION: The position of the that element in the row if there are other similar elements with similar tag and attributes, leave as null if it is unique
.TAG: The tag of the desired element
.ATTRIBUTE: Attributes of the tag, for exanple: {"class": "id", "...": "..", ...}. Leave the value of a key as true if an attribute has no value


You can use the package directly from the command line Example: Searching a book with title: "Elements of statistical learning" and author: "Jerome Friedman" You can add pbook.exe to environment variables and use it from the command line by this command with %PATH% as your path to pybooks directory (folder), usually found in \Python{version}\Lib\pybooks.

setx PATH "%PATH%
pbook -a "jerome friedman" -t "elements of statistical learning"
-h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -a AUTHOR, --author AUTHOR
                        Author of the book you want to find
  -t TITLE, --title TITLE
                        Title of the book you want to find
  -w WEIGHTS, --weights WEIGHTS
                        Assign author and title weight to the final accuracy
  -th THRESHOLD, --threshold THRESHOLD
                        Only get results above the threshold amount
  -l LOG, --log LOG     Print out the process
  -s SHOW, --show SHOW  Show result at the end of running
  -br BREAK_AT, --break-at BREAK_AT
                        Stop when encounter a book with accuracy higher than
                        or equal to this number
  -m METHOD, --method METHOD
                        Choose a book evaluation method