
Continuous integration server for Github and MediaWiki.

pip install pyci==0.0.4



Generic continuous integration server for interfacing with github and publishing results to a Media Wiki. The basic idea is that continuous integration just requires three things:

  • A repo to monitor for changes.
  • Unit tests to run.
  • A place to publish the results of the tests.

Py-CI interfaces with github using the pygithub API wrapper for interfacing with github's API. It monitors the pull requests for a set of repos. When a new or untested pull request is found:

  • Create a local copy of the repo; merge the proposed changes from the pull request into a working branch.
  • Run all the unit tests specified in the repo.xml configuration file.
  • Post the results of running the unit tets to a media wiki.


If you already have a virtualenv installed as well as virtualenvwrapper, skip this next code block. However, be sure to add the VENV variable to the global configuration file.

pip install virtualenv
pip install virtualenvwrapper
mkvirtualenv ci

Next, copy the global.xml file and put it somewhere on you local disk (say ~/ Be sure to edit the values. Then:

export PYCI_XML="~/"
workon ci
pip install py-ci
sudo -setup

If you don't see any errors, your server is ready to have repositories installed. This configures the server cron to run every minute. Use -cronfreq [int minutes] to change that frequency (see cron settings for details). You don't need to use sudo for anything except setting the server up initially (or uninstalling it later with the -rollback switch). Next, create a repo.xml file for repository you want to monitor. Suppose it exists at ~/repos/myrepo/ci.xml, then: -install ~/repos/myrepo/ci.xml

Your repository will now be monitored for new pull requests forever untill you either -uninstall the repo.xml file or you -disable the CI server to temporarily suspend all requests. To understand the behavior of the CI server, read through the repository level settings page.

IMPORTANT: if your unit tests require environment variables to be set, they need to be added to a file called ~/.cron_profile that will be loaded by the CI server whenever the cron is run. See cron environment variables for more details.