Pycompall is a wrapper around the default `compileall` Python utility to compile `.py` to `.pyc` files to provide a more configurable interface and as a build tool when configuring python files.

obfuscation, python-obfuscation, python-compiler
pip install pycompall==0.1.3


Pycompall Package

Pycompall is a wrapper around the default compileall Python utility to compile .py to .pyc files to provide a more configurable interface and as a build tool when configuring python files.

This package is also useful for code obfuscation, especially since most .py files can be substituted for their compiled bytecode equivalents most of the time.


pip install pycompall


pycompall compile [OPTIONS] [PATH].

Without any options, this will compile all .py files in the current directory (or file) into the default __pycache__ directory.


-r, --recursive

Recurse through subdirectories.


Remove original .py files and replace them with compiled .pyc files.


Create an empty file in the base directory path specified after compilation. Useful for interacting with other build tools such as colcon that require a package to have an file.

  • Note: this only adds the file in the base directory specified, regardless of whether the --recursive flag is specified.

--exclude-files TEXT

Exclude pattern(s) for files to be excluded during compilation and replacement.

  • Note: this option supports globbing patterns with python's Path.match method, but this requires globs to be passed as strings to the tool, so you must wrap the glob in quotes (e.g. pycompall compile --exclude-files '*.py').
  • To specify multiple files to exclude, write the flag again (e.g. pycompall compile --exclude-files '*' --exclude-files 'test/*.py')

--exclude-dirs TEXT

Exclude pattern(s) for directories to be excluded during compilation and replacement. Note that if the directory is skipped and --create-empty-init is True, the file will not be created.

  • Note: this option supports globbing patterns with python's Path.match method, but this requires globs to be passed as strings to the tool, so you must wrap the glob in quotes (e.g. pycompall compile --exclude-dirs 'test*').
  • To specify multiple directories to exclude, write the flag again (e.g. pycompall compile --exclude-dirs 'test' --exclude-dirs 'utils')


Sometimes symlinks causes problems. Enable this flag to ignore symlinks.


Optimize bytecode. Corresponds to optimize=1 in the Python compile API.


Overly optimize bytecode. Corresponds to optimize=2 in the Python compile API.