
Cron server for python functions

pip install pycronserver==0.0.1


pycronserver - Cron server for python functions

Python package Coverage Status Code style: black

Execute python functions using cron tab. Rather than entering them all in the crontab file, they are stored in an SQL table and executed by the pycronserver in a for loop.


Install via pip:

pip install git+

Python Interface

Use python interface

from pycronserver import get_local_pycronserver
psc = get_local_pycronserver(config_dir="~/.pycronserver")

In the configuration directory ~/.pycronserver the configuration is stored in the config.json file:

  • connection_str - connection string to connect to the SQL database - by default "sqlite:///~/.pycronserver/cron.db
  • username - username (optional) - by default True but for windows a specific username is required.
  • user_id - user ID (optional) - the database can be shared with multiple users.

To store a new python function call in the pycronserver database use:, python_funct_path, input_dict)
  • crontab follows the cron notation of Minutes, Hours, Day of month, Month, Day of week - for example 0 0 * * 0
  • python_funct_path the path to the python function to execute - for example crontab.get_cronvalue
  • input_dict the dictionary which contains the keyword arguments for the function call.

Finally write the required entries to crontab so it can trigger the execution of the pycronserver:


Command Line Interface

During the execution crontab calls pycronserver using the specified date pattern in the cron notation:

pycronserver '0 0 * * 0'

So the same call can be used to debug the execution of the pycronserver.